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Rencana Pengelolaan Sampah Melalui Optimalisasi Bank Sampah Pada Kelurahan Pudakpayung, Kecamatan Banyumanik

Semarang city is an area with an increasing number of residents increasing from year to year. This causes the generation of waste generated by households is increasing. To overcome the generation of waste that accumulates in the landfill Jatibarang, Semarang City Government conducted a variety of waste management, one of which is the waste bank. Pudakpayung village in Banyumanik District is one of the villages in Semarang that has empowered the waste bank program to manage waste from upstream. Operationally, the waste bank in Pudakpayung village has not been running optimally. The purpose of this study is to formulate the substance of the waste management plan through the optimization of waste banks in Pudakpayung Village. The method used is a combination of quantitative and qualitative with field observation activities, interviews related to waste bank management, and the dissemination of questionnaires about the role of the community. Based on the results of the study, obtained waste generation in Pudakpayung village of 0.711 kg/person/day with a composition of 61% organic waste and 39% inorganic waste. Meanwhile, there are 113,690 kg/month of potential waste in the waste bank by the people of Pudakpayung Village. However, 8 (eight) waste bank units in Pudakpayung Village received a total waste generation of 2,213.4 kg/month. Waste banks reduce waste by 1.91% of total potential waste entering waste banks. At the end of the Planning year, the entire community of Pudakpayung village became waste bank customers to participate in reducing potential waste entering the waste bank. To realize this, operational and non-operational technical planning is designed to realize waste management through optimization of waste banks.

Open Access
Menakar Peran Persepsi Harga dalam Penciptaan Keputusan Pembelian Jasa Wisata

This research located in Mangkang Zoo. The aim of the research is to evaluate services that influence the decision to purchase tourism services at the Mangkang Zoo, Semarang, by considering perceptions of price as a moderating factor. This research shows that service quality has an impact on purchasing decisions at the Mangkang Zoo, Semarang. Meanwhile, other findings, namely price perception, show that service quality has an influence on purchasing decisions, with price as a mediating variable at the Mangkang Zoo, Semarang. This illustrates that management has succeeded in implementing an appropriate pricing policy, including in terms of price levels, special price offers, payment processes, payment terms, all of which are in line with the quality of the services provided. The population studied was visitors who decided to use tourist services at the Mangkang Zoo, Semarang, with an unspecified number. The sampling method was carried out by chance and involved 100 respondents. The research results are that service quality has an impact on the decision to purchase tourism services at the Mangkang Zoo, Semarang. Furthermore, perceptions of price also have a positive and significant influence in strengthening the correlation between service quality and purchasing decisions for tourism services at the Mangkang Zoo, Semarang.

Open Access
Anteseden Niat Kewirausahaan Berkelanjutan Gen Z Kawasan Smart City Semarang: Apakah Teknologi dan Pemerintah Daerah Berperan?

The UN Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 focuses on entrepreneurship as a solution to turn ideas into action in building smart cities. Research states that entrepreneurship is crucial in creating sustainable companies in growing cities. Smart City is becoming a center for innovation and data technology to improve city services. Semarang City, as the center of economy and education in Indonesia, has implemented the Smart City concept since 2013. The rapid development of this city, together with the demographic bonus of Generation Z, supports the implementation of technological solutions in support of an adaptive and sustainable Smart City concept. This study aims to investigate the influence of urban entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education on the sustainable entrepreneurial intentions of Gen Z in the Smart City Area, in this case study Semarang City, by considering the moderator of the role of technology and local government support. This study proposes six hypotheses according to the proposed model of sustainable entrepreneurship in Smart City areas with moderation of business technology and government support. This study chose a survey-based quantitative approach on 250 local Semarang students, and the response data was analyzed using the SEM-PLS technique. The results showed that urban entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Education significantly positively affect the sustainable entrepreneurial intentions of the Smart City area.Furthermore, it is proven that business technology and local government support moderate relations between urban entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Education with the intention of sustainable entrepreneurship in the Semarang Smart City area. The study recommends the integration of the concept of entrepreneurship in the college curriculum and the establishment of partnerships between universities, industry, and government in Semarang City. The government must expand internet connectivity, provide training programs for entrepreneurs, utilize technology in city infrastructure, and collaborate with educational institutions and industry for inclusive and innovative economic growth.

Open Access
Strategi Penyediaan Fasilitas Ruang Publik Inklusif di Kota Lama Semarang Berdasarkan Persepsi dan Preferensi Lansia

A good public space must be friendly and accommodating to everyone, including the elderly. Elderly is a group that has limitations when they are in public spaces because of their different needs. To find out the needs of the elderly in public spaces, it is necessary to understand their perceptions and preferences for the facilities provided so that the elderly do not need to adapt. The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions and preferences of the elderly in the provision of inclusive public spaces in Kota Lama Semarang. Analysis of the perceptions and preferences of the elderly was carried out on three aspects, namely accessibility, comfort and safety. Data collection was carried out through filling out questionnaires by 60 elderly in Kota Lama Semarang area. This study uses Likert scale as measuring tool for the perceptions and preferences of the elderly. The conclusion from the three aspects studied, the perception of the elderly in the condition of public space facilities shows that there are advantages and disadvantages. While the preferences of the elderly in the provision of public space facilities show that the elderly agree if procurement, additions, or improvements to facilities related to the three aspects studied. The strategy for providing inclusive public space facilities can follow the standards or best practices in other cities or countries, but does not leave the classic nuance which is the identity of the Kota Lama Semarang.

Open Access
Analisis Optimalisasi Ketahanan Daerah Berbasis GIS, Remote Sensing dan Cloud untuk Manajemen Banjir dan Rob di Kota Semarang

Abstract. Floods and tidal floods are a topic of discussion every year in the city of Semarang because no proper solution has been created for mitigation. From January 2022-May 2023, most of the flood and rob events are located in flat and sloping areas. The disaster had an impact on human life, such as material, physical, economic, and psychological losses. Importance of innovation to create flood resilience is urgently needed to eliminate or minimize the adverse effects of floods and rob. Flood resilience analysis uses a spatial approach supported by GIS optimization, Remote Sensing, and the Cloud platform. Then the model builder is used to speed up and simplify the analysis process. The results of the analysis show that the highest level of flood sensitivity is in flat and gently sloping areas with high population density & buildings. Meanwhile, high capacity levels are in areas close to health facilities, have road accessibility, and have lots of economic activity. In addition, 93.37% of the area's resistance to flooding is still classified as low and medium. This should be of particular concern for areas with dense populations and buildings, such as Pedurungan District, Ngaliyan District, North Semarang District, West Semarang District, and Genuk District. Thus, through regional resilience mapping, it can become a basis for decision-making for local governments with the support of inclusive disaster management.

Open Access
Upaya Mencapai Smart Economy untuk Mengembangkan Perekonomian di Kota Semarang

Smart City is a governance that utilizes information and communication technology in all its fields, so that it will facilitate public access and mobility. One dimension in the smart city concept is the smart economy which focuses on the governance of the city's economic growth. This study aims to determine the efforts made by the Semarang City Government in order to achieve Smart Economy to develop the economy of the people in Semarang City. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Research data was obtained from literature studies analyzed with a content analysis approach. The results showed that the Semarang City government has pursued various programs to be able to achieve a smart economy in the Semarang Smart City system. These efforts include attracting investors through business meetings, strengthening the workforce, increasing home production, improving farmers' welfare, and revitalizing traditional markets. Investor networking efforts are carried out to increase investment in Semarang City, in order to open up the widest possible job opportunities. Strengthening the workforce is carried out to improve the quality of human resources in Semarang City to be able to compete in the job market, one of which is through the Great Gate movement to alleviate poverty and job training in BLK. In an effort to increase home production, the Semarang City Government assists SMEs to be able to do business through e-commerce and through business partners, especially at souvenir centers. In an effort to improve the welfare of farmers, the Semarang City government launched the Farmer Card to make it easier for farmers to get subsidized fertilizers and superior seeds, as well as the construction of Jalud to facilitate access and mobility of farmers while cutting expenses to increase farmers' income. Meanwhile, efforts made by the government to improve the effectiveness of traditional markets are carried out with traditional market revitalization programs. This is intended so that, the function of traditional markets can compete with modern markets that are currently very easy to find. These efforts are expected to be able to encourage economic growth while improving the standard of living and quality of life of the people of Semarang City.

Open Access
Karakteristik dan Tipologi Perubahan dI Kawasan Pusat Kota Semarang

The city center's decline is a severe problem faced by cities worldwide and the City of Semarang. The population decline has coincided with the transformation of urban villages in the Central Region of Semarang City. Many dwellings have changed their function due to the growth in commercial activity, which then affected the physical form of settlements in the area. Therefore, the city center often experiences depreciation and creates vacant land, which also impacts ongoing environmental degradation. The physical transformation of urban villages needs to be identified as a positive opportunity to develop a more productive city center. This study aims to identify the characteristics and typologies in the city center to model the development of the Semarang City Center Area. This study uses a mixed research methods approach (mixed method) and used primary data in questionnaires distributed to the community in the Central City of Semarang. Respondents in this study are people who live in two residential groups, namely Kampung Kota (Urban Villages) and Planned Housing. The result is that there are four typologies based on settlement characteristics and changes in their function. These typologies include Fixed Planned Housing, Changed Planned Housing, Fixed Urban Villages and Changed Urban Villages. Then the four typologies become the basis for the development model of the Semarang City Center Area, looking at the opportunities and challenges.

Open Access