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SIGEMPA : Sistem Peringatan Dini Gempa Bumi berbasis IoT dengan ESP32

SIGEMPA, sebuah sistem peringatan dini gempa bumi berbasis IoT dengan ESP32, diinisiasi sebagai respons terhadap kebutuhan akan peringatan dini yang efisien dan mudah digunakan bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang sering terdampak oleh bencana alam, termasuk gempa bumi. Meskipun negara telah menyediakan alat Sistem Peringatan Dini (Early Warning System/EWS), namun penggunaannya belum merata dan seringkali mengharuskan masyarakat untuk menunggu informasi dari instansi terkait. Dalam konteks ini, SIGEMPA dirancang sebagai solusi yang dapat memberikan peringatan dini secara real-time dan mudah diakses oleh masyarakat.
 Penelitian ini mencakup perancangan dan implementasi sebuah perangkat pengukur gempa bumi yang menggunakan ESP32 dan Telegram berbasis IoT, dengan tujuan mengikuti arus digitalisasi era 4.0. Melalui studi eksperimen yang dilakukan, perangkat ini berhasil diprogram dan diuji coba, menggunakan komponen seperti sensor gempa dan ESP32. Dengan bantuan ESP32, SIGEMPA mampu mendeteksi aktivitas gempa bumi dan mengirimkan notifikasi peringatan secara real-time melalui Telegram. Perangkat juga dilengkapi dengan kategori peringatan "GEMPA" dan "AMAN", yang diindikasikan oleh parameter tertentu, sehingga memungkinkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait risiko gempa bumi dengan lebih jelas dan cepat.

Open Access
Implementasi Aplikasi Toko Creative Card Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Waterfall

The development of technology and the internet has triggered a significant transformation in consumer behavior, especially in the context of electronic commerce. This research aims to address growing market needs by developing a web-based online sticker shop application. This application is designed to provide convenience in the process of selling and purchasing stickers, optimize user experience, and increase product accessibility via online platforms. The development method used in this research involves the application of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. This approach allows building systems in a structured and organized manner, with a focus on features that support intuitive user interaction. Some of the key features implemented include informative product pages, an efficient shopping cart system, and transaction history to provide transparency and order tracking for consumers. The result of this research is an online sticker shop application that not only makes the sales process easier for sellers, but also provides a comfortable online shopping environment for buyers. It is hoped that this application can increase efficiency in sales management, increase the competitiveness of the sticker business, and make a positive contribution to the growth of the e-commerce industry. As an innovative solution, this application is expected to be able to keep up with market trends and provide a satisfying online shopping experience for users.

Open Access
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Sistem Ujian Online Tanry Education Centre Berbasis Web

Learning is the result of an interactive process that takes place between educators and students in a learning environment. For students, a learning tool is needed to help them prepare and improve the various types of material that will be studied directly at school. One form of learning facility is tutoring or usually abbreviated as tutoring. Tutoring is an effort provided by guidance teachers in dealing with and solving learning problems experienced by students. Tanry Education Center is a tutoring institution that offers various levels of education, from kindergarten to high school/vocational school. However, Tanry Education Center has so far still used conventional methods in conducting test, so students have to wait a few days to get their exam results due to time constraints and there are times when students cannot know the correct answer to the given questions. To overcome this problem, research was carried out with the aim of developing and building an online exam system application. The purpose of this application is to assist users in measuring the level of understanding of students' material in Tanry Education Center using a Web-based platform. This research will use the Prototype development methodology and be implemented using the PHP programming language utilizing the CodeIgniter 4 framework. A black box approach will be used to carry out application testing, with a focus on evaluating software functionality.

Open Access
IOT Pada Purwarupa Sistem Keamanan Pintu Kantor Dengan Sensor RFID dan PIR Berbasis Telegram

The proposed office door security system combines RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) Sensor and PIR (Passive Infrared) Sensor technology with Telegram-based communication. The design of this system requires RFID and PIR sensors to be formed in order to produce a system design that is made to meet the needs of system users. The aim of this system is to increase the security level of access to office space by combining identification of access owners via RFID cards and motion detection using PIR sensors. Communication through the Telegram platform is used to provide real-time notifications to access owners when there is activity at the office door. The control system for this device is controlled by the Esp32 Microcontroller, using 4 inputs, namely Rfid, PIR, Keypad and telegram sensors, as well as 5 outputs, namely Selenid Doorlock, Buzzer, LCD, Relay and telegram. By using the esp32 microcontroller to process data and the telegram application for IoT as a link between devices and smartphones. With 2 sensors as logic inputs for the esp32 microcontroller, the number of outputs that occur is 5, namely in the form of a sound from a buzzer as a warning, and a PIR as a sensor to open the door from the inside. When opening the RFID with a card tag, then the selenoid doorlock will open. Overall, the design of this office door security system has the potential to improve security and monitoring in the office space. By combining the technology of RFID sensors, PIR sensors and Telegram-based communication, this system enables accurate identification, real-time motion detection and fast interaction between the security system and the access owner. So that Telegram is successful in sending notifications if someone enters, that is, they will appear. "User Name Open Door: according to the registered UID", but if it fails "Unregistered User Failed Login Attempt" The LCD will also issue an output if someone has registered their RFID tag or not

Open Access
Perancangan Sistem Manajemen Informasi Akademik Berbasis Web SD N 3 Jambearum Kendal

Abstrak. Akademik adalah kegiatan yang sangat erat hubungannya dengan hal dalam dunia belajar mengajar di lingkungan pendidikan formal. Sistem informasi akademik SD N 3 Jambearum dinilai tidak efektif jika data murid, data pengajar atau guru, data mapel atau mata pelajaran, sistem penjadwalan, dan pencatatan hasil nilai akhir atau raport. Tujuan utama penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui sistem akademik, melakukan perancangan sistem, analisis dan pengujian sistem, serta memperkenalkan sistem informasi akademik. Dalam mengembangkan sistem akademik, penulis menggunakan metode yang disebut Penelitian dan Pengembangan. Metodologi penelitian dan pengembangan merupakan suatu pendekatan dilakukan dalam lingkungan organisasi untuk mengeksplorasi dan mengembangkan pengetahuan, teknologi, produk, dan layanan baru. Metode pengembangannya malalui bentuk model terstruktur dengan menggunakan alat serta gaya kerja seperti flowmap, diagram konteks, dan diagram aliran. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan sistem informasi akademik yaitu dengan bahasa PHP, dan databasenya adalah MySql. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan di SD N 3 di Jambearum menunjukkan bahwa dengan dibuatnya sistem informasi akademik akan memungkinkan staf TU untuk lebih cepat mengelola perencanaan dan evaluasi data siswa, data guru, data mata pelajaran, dan sertifikat siswa, serta meminimalis kesalahan-kesalahan proses pencatatan data, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hal ini dapat membantu mengurangi. Mengurangi kesalahan saat membuat hasil laporan dalam bentuk e-raport.

Open Access