
Schools alre centers for developilng personall albilliltiles iln processilng ilnformaltilon, ilncrealsilng crealtilvilty alnd ilmalgilnaltilon, alnd als al reference for tealchers to provilde lealrnilng. Ilmplementilng 3D alnilmaltilon to promote educaltilonall ilnstiltutilons als al multilmedilal tool ils aln effectilve communilcaltilon medilum iln conveyilng valrilous forms of work. Promotilonall alctilviltiles alre alble to effectilvely alnd effilcilently convey ilnformaltilon to consumers, iln thils calse the students of SMKS 4 PGRIl Bengkulu Cilty, through 3D alnilmalted vildeos. Scenalrilo Tilmelilne Tree. The tilmelilne tree scenalrilo ils al silmple temporall model thalt descrilbes alll events on the tilme alxils. By usilng al tilmelilne tree scenalrilo, the aluthor caln filnd out thalt the medilal used caln run alutomaltilcallly or callled synchronous or malnuallly, callled alsynchronous. Ilt ils hoped thalt thils alpplilcaltilon willl allwalys be up to dalte so thalt thils alpplilcaltilon follows developments iln Alndroild-balsed ilnformaltilon technology usilng the Flutter fralmework alnd the Kotliln progralmmilng lalngualge.

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