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Study of the Hanafi Approach to Weighting in Dealing with Conflicting Evidence

The rules of preponderance according to the Hanafi school of thought are among the issues that the science of jurisprudence is interested in examining: conflict of evidence, when does it occur, and how can one preponderate between different evidences? Knowing the strong evidence and the correct evidence in terms of its proof or significance, these are very precise issues that only the most distinguished scholars are able to explain, and the scholars of fundamentals have rules by which they weigh between these different pieces of evidence. The basic principle in this matter is that the process of weighting is one of the functions of scholars who are able to distinguish between evidence, and it is resorted to when it is assumed that there is a difference between two texts that is not of the same degree in proof or significance. The process of weighting that arose among diligent scholars was not necessarily limited to supporting one doctrine over others, but rather it sought consistency and validity. Thus, we found among the scholars those who departed from the evidence of their doctrine and adopted the doctrine of others. We would also like to point out that the general process of preference, which is not between one school of thought and another, is like the absolute preference that the fundamentalists have dealt with. The aim of this research is to know the Hanafi approach in dealing with conflicting evidence.

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Morphological and Semantical Effects of Phonemes on Pashto Lexical Structures

Phonemes and segments are the key elements in the structure of Pashto words, playing an important role similar to other languages worldwide. Through the combination and arrangement of these segments, numerous morphemes and diverse words are generated. When assigning a vowel or consonant to the origin or base form of a word, it leads to the creation of new words and constructions that possess different forms, meanings, and belong to various grammatical categories. Structurally, at least one, two, three, or a maximum of four bound morphemes in the form of segments or phonemes could be added to the root or base morpheme, thus generating new lexemes and words. The addition of new phonemes and segments to the base or root form of a word alters its case, identification, quality, quantity, gender, number, tense, modification, meaning, and grammatical classification. Another important role of segments in the structure of lexemes is the syllabification of simple and complex words. The accumulation of each phoneme brings changes in the number of syllables within that word or phrase. Vowel segments primarily contribute to the syllabification of words. In conclusion, the hierarchical arrangement of segments generates new morphemes, while the combination of bound and free morphemes forms the basis for creating new simple, compound, and complex words in the Pashto language.

Impacts of Labour Force of Afghan Women Based on Education in Economics Growth: In Case of Afghanistan

The essence of this research is to reveal that the impacts of the labor force (unemployment and employment) on Afghan women (females) based on educated people have no positive and direct correlation with increasing economic growth in the estimated period of 2020–2022, but women have a U shape or envelope that contributes to developing economic growth in the long run. Though the study tested the labor force total number of females per cent, the labor force females of Afghanistan have no impact on increasing the total real GDP market price of Afghanistan in 2020-2021-2022 due to the p value being greater than 0.05 or 0.989>0.05; hence, H0 is accepted. As a result, there is not a significant labor force number and labor force females in Afghanistan, as it does not have a crucial impact on economic growth. Economic growth has increased in other sectors such as TOT, exports and imports, etc. Moreover, the intermediate education population per cent of Afghanistan impacts the labor force of male and female members under the working population in Afghanistan in 2020–2021, and the p value is greater than 0.05. It makes sense (0.832>0.05); hence, the null hypothesis is accepted; intermediate and advanced educated people have no impact on under-working-age people in Afghanistan in 2020–2021, but nevertheless, it hasn’t increased the economic growth of Afghanistan in 2020–2021. Otherwise, intermediate- and advanced-educated women percent have no impact on the under-working-age population and do not have a positive impact on economic growth due to the fact that the p value is greater than 0.05. It makes sense (0.832>0.05), hence the null hypothesis is accepted. As a result, the intermediate education population per cent of Afghanistan has no impact on the labor force of males and females under the working population in Afghanistan in 2020–2021. Finally, the study discovered that total real GDP market price and female employees have a moderate correlation in 2019–2020.

Open Access
Study of Citizenship Rights of the Disabled in the Field of the Urban Environment and in the Light of Afghanistan's Urban Planning Law

In light of Afghan environmental legislation and policy, the goal of this study is to analyze the citizenship rights of individuals with disabilities in the urban environment. It examines the issues faced by the disabled, particularly the physically challenged, who live in Afghanistan's cities in order to achieve this goal. The government's existing laws and regulations also include preparing for these issues. A descriptive-analytical approach has been adopted in the investigation. In this regard, the researcher has utilized the library study method to explain the concepts and give a theoretical framework to assess the course of domestic legislation after evaluating the development of domestic and international laws. This article comes to the conclusion that the physical and administrative requirements of disabled people cannot be met in Afghan cities. Think about the sidewalks. In reality, a wheelchair user is unable to use the sidewalks. Wheelchair users' rights have been violated as a result of the obstacles that the town has put in place to keep motorcycles off the pavements. Think about the sidewalks; in reality, a wheelchair user cannot utilize them. The right of wheelchair users has essentially been infringed due to the obstructions put in place by the municipality to prevent motorcycle riders from using the sidewalks. There are few organizations in the road and construction engineering sector, particularly in government departments, that have measured the essential facilities and measures for the disabled in their structures. The law of motion is one of the acknowledged tenets among philosophers. They hold the view that everything in the universe is in motion and that each living thing is gradually evolving to realize its potential. Therefore, all facets of society should have access to the amenities required for advancement. This rule applies to everyone, including those with disabilities, and the urban environment must be created and modified in a way that allows them to utilize all of its amenities. The road system in every city is what connects all of the metropolitan areas, and by making it accessible to people with disabilities, many of their difficulties are resolved. In cities, disabled persons are assessed. The necessary design requirements for people with disabilities are then presented.

Open Access
impact of physical exercise on the mental health of the elderly

Objective. To study the impact of physical exercise on the mental health of the elderly, and to formulate corresponding management strategies for physical exercise. Methods. From February 2018 to February 2019, 180 elderly people were selected from the community as research subjects. The elderly people included in the group were randomly divided into a physical exercise group and a control group, and the symptom self-rating scales of the two groups were compared. (SCL-90) score. Results. The scores of somatizations, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, and terror of the elderly in the physical exercise group were significantly lower than those in the control group (p < . 05); there was no significant difference in the scores of hostilities, paranoia, and psychosis between the two groups (p > .05). Conclusion. The mental health of the elderly is an important factor affecting their quality of life, and strengthening the way and content of physical exercise for the elderly can effectively regulate the mental health of the elderly, thereby promoting the improvement of their quality of life and, to a certain extent, alleviating the social and social problems brought about by population aging. Economic pressure is of great significance to the long-term and stable development of society.

Open Access
Overlapping Penalties in the Jurisprudence of the Four Schools of Thought: A Comparative Jurisprudential Study

The study of overlapping crimes and their punishment in Islamic jurisprudence deals with the issue of one person committing more than one crime, either at one time or in successive and different times. This crime may be of one gender, such as murder or theft, and a person may commit multiple crimes, such as stealing and drinking alcohol. This research looked at the opinions of the jurists in the penalties of such crimes. The research concluded that the jurists unanimously agreed that the criminal should not be punished if he committed several crimes of the same sex, except for one punishment only. For example, if the unmarried person commits the crimes of adultery and defamation, then one punishment is imposed on him, which is the punishment for adultery. The penalty of slander is included in it. If adultery is punished and then slandered after that, then the penalty of slander is applied to it as well. Overlapping means that the penalty for the lesser crime is included in the penalty for the major crime if they are committed together. In studying this subject, I followed the descriptive, analytical and comparative approach, where I explained the concept of overlap, its location, causes, and wording, the definition of punishment and its types, its wisdom and conditions, the penalties sections, the combination of crimes of one sex, the combination of crimes of different races, and how to fulfill multiple penalties, the principle Applications of multiple penalties with a statement of the sayings of the four schools of thought in each issue and a statement of the most correct of them.

Open Access
The Rule of Pricing in the Jurisprudence Of the Four Schools of Thought: A Comparative Jurisprudential Study

Human acts are based on freedom, therefore, a sale contract cannot be concluded without the contractors ‘approval. Following the supply and demand law, commodities prices may rise if a commodity is not available in the market and highly demanded. In such a situation, the state can’t intervene. Some vendors might abusively use their rights and increase the prices above the normal; in this case the state can intervene to assure balance in prices by reducing the artificial price to a natural price or what is literally called “equivalence price.” Nevertheless, there is a divergence among scholars about the state intervention concerning the pricing of commodities. This has led researchers to deal with the issue within the framework of comparative jurisprudence to give it a clear and a concise perception, so as to highlight the role of scholars in Islamic Economics issue .In studying this topic, I followed the descriptive, analytical and comparative approach, where I explained the definition of pricing, the pricing rule in Islamic jurisprudence, the pricing conditions, the image of pricing, the ruling on violating pricing, how to pricing, then the sayings of the four schools of thought in each issue and the statement of the most correct of them.

Open Access