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Systematics, morphometry, and distribution of Eptesicus fuscus miradorensis (H. Allen, 1866) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), with notes on baculum morphology and natural history

The brown bat Eptesicus fuscus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) is a widely distributed species with up to 11 subspecies ranging from North America, some Caribbean islands, and Central and northern South America. Within the species, Eptesicus fuscus miradorensis occurs from North America to South America being the only subspecies that occurs in the continental area of the Neotropical region and might be considered a full species. Also, it has been suggested that E. f. miradorensis shows a clinal morphologic variation from the northernmost populations of Central America toward South America. We evaluated the systematic position of E. f. miradorensis using genetic samples from Central and South America. In addition, we assessed the morphometric variations of E. f. miradorensis using 14 external and cranial measurements of specimens distributed along America. To evaluate the clinal variation and interspecific changes through its distribution, we assigned three groups considering the localities of origin i) North (México), ii) Center (Guatemala-Panamá), and iii) South (Colombia-Venezuela) using multivariate analyzes. We also compiled the localities of the revised specimens and these from databases to determine the environmental factors that potentially constrain the distribution of the taxon. We suggest that E. f. miradorensis should be elevated to the species level based on genetic comparisons. Additionally, we did not find sexual dimorphism or size variation associated with its distribution. The species is distributed from México to South America (Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador) in elevations that average over 1,000 m, showing a strong association with high mountain ecosystems. This taxon increases to 12 the number of species of bats of the subgenus Eptesicus in South America.

Open Access
An Analysis of Management by Competencies in Grocery Retail Distributors

Competency-based management models are models through which the specific competencies for each job position are evaluated. This contemplates the development of additional competencies necessary for the personal and professional growth of employees. Therefore, in this research, a model is analyzed from theoretical and methodological bases, with the aim of knowing the skills of retail store managers so that they can keep their businesses at the forefront of this sector. The inductive scientific method was used with a methodology of two steps. The first stage consisted of carrying out a systematic study of the literature from the critical point of view of hermeneutics. In the second step, the core competency analysis approach is applied to generate a list of ten core competencies. It is concluded at the end of the study that in the retail economic sector, which consists mainly of various products such as food and groceries in general, many of the managers of this type of business currently focus their attention on customer orientation and decision-making through assertive communication. However, it was revealed that this technique can be enhanced by expanding the digital and computer skills of these managers, which will allow them to position their micro-businesses in the first place soon since in this sector they do not use the latest technologies because they do not master digital and computer skills.

Open Access
Gamification with cognitive processes to improve reading comprehension levels in eighth grade students

Diseñar un OVA mediante gamificación para mejorar niveles de competencia lectora en octavo grado. El alcance del estudio buscó un análisis del grupo de estudiantes (30) objeto de investigación, en donde se pueda impactar su desempeño en las competencias de lectura de la Institución Educativa del Liceo Carmelo Percy Vergara, de Corozal Sucre. La metodología utilizada fue mixta de diseño concurrente. Se destaca dentro de los resultados sobre los niveles comprensión lectora: literal, inferencial y crítico demostrado a partir del porcentaje de respuestas aprobadas en el pos test con un 73.5%, con relación a los resultados del pre test que fue del 30%, además con un análisis de mejora en los niveles de cognición, según la taxonomía SOLO, se puede concluir que en el nivel Uniestructural los estudiantes pasaron de tener 37.80% en el Pre – Test, a tener 87.80% en el Post-Test; así como el nivel Multiestructural de 26.7% en el Pre – Test, a tener 83.2% en el Post-Test; por su parte en el nivel Relacional de tener un 32.2% en el Pre – Test, a tener 75.5% en el Post-Test; y por último un 30.0% en el Pre – Test, a tener un 43.3% en el Pre – Test. Por lo tanto, se logró mejorar la comprensión lectora mediante la aplicación del entorno gamificado llamado “Mundo Awen” a partir de una OVA para el fortalecimiento de los procesos cognitivos y de comprensión lectora en sus distintos niveles.

Open Access
Estrategia didáctica para fortalecer la competencia de comunicación matemática por medio de la fotografía

We present the results of an investigation that studied the strengthening of mathematical communication skills, using photography as an instrumental mediator for learning. The study involved ninth grade students of a Colombian public institution, and it implemented a didactic unit related to variational thinking, based on the Brousseau theory of didactic situations. It was a qualitative investigation with an action-research methodological approach, theoretically supported by Eisner's approaches. The starting point was a diagnosis of the students' level of mathematical communication by means of an ICFES type test. Actions were then implemented to improve this competence by means of a didactic unit constituted by guides and workshops. The results suggest that photography is a didactic medium that allows the generation of communication processes and the linking of everyday life with mathematics, and allows students to establish regularities and properties, reproduce them through mathematical language, use notions and processes that lead them to construct representations, verify them and put them to the test. Among the conclusions, it could be established that the use of photography in mathematics classes favors students' motivation, making the classes more interesting for them.

Open Access
Contributing Towards a Cultural Neuropsychology Assessment Decision-Making Framework: Comparison of WAIS-IV Norms from Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Spain, United States, and Canada.

Test and normative data selection in cross-cultural neuropsychology remain a complex issue. Despite growing awareness, more studies and instruments are needed to adequately address the impact of cultural factors, such as quantity and quality of education. In this study, we examine the interpretive effects of applying six relevant WAIS-IV norms to a Colombian sample. A sample of 305 highly educated Colombian corporate executives completed the WAIS-IV. Data were scored using norms from Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Spain, United States, and Canada and scores were compared using ANOVA. Additionally, a comparative sociodemographic framework was established to contextualize our sample to the standardization samples and populations of the six countries. Colombian and Chilean norms yielded systematically similar FSIQ/Index scores (mean range = 117-121), while incrementally lower scores were found with norms from Mexico (-3-9 points), Spain (-3-11 points), USA (-8-13 points), and Canada (-11-18 points). Verbal scores differed, with highest scores obtained with Mexican and Spanish norms. Working memory and processing speed scores had the lowest score agreement across norms. Although the Chilean norms are more frequently used in Colombia, the recently developed Colombian norms appear optimal for our sample; the scores do not have meaningful differences with those obtained with Chilean norms and offer local population representation fidelity. Mexican, Spanish, US, and Canadian norms underestimated WAIS-IV scores and distorted the sample's score distribution. Finally, verbal scores highlight potential education representation within Spanish and Mexican norms, while working memory and processing speed scores suggest cultural nuances likely captured within different norms.

Open Access