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Empreendedorismo feminino no setor de serviços: análise da capacidade de resiliência em tempos da covid-19

The global health and economic crisis, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, demanded resilience and adaptation from entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs are increasingly standing out, taking on various tasks and are challenged to find ways to reinvent themselves in this period. Thus, this study aims to identify the processes of resilience in women entrepreneurs considering the health and economic crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic. A qualitative research was developed with the adoption of the descriptive method. Nine interviews were conducted with women entrepreneurs in the states of Rio Grande Sul and Paraná. Content analysis was used to systematize the data arranged in three categories: Entrepreneurship of necessity; Opportunity Entrepreneurship and Resilience. The results of the study reveal the ability of women entrepreneurs to reinvent themselves, ability to perform multiple tasks depending on the restrictions imposed by Covid-19, especially that of social distancing. In addition, the entrepreneurs sought commercial partnerships to expand the dissemination of their services through social media. However, the research points out the context of the emergence of insecurity, anxiety, fear, insecurity and lack of perspectives due to the context of the pandemic.

Open Access
Empreendedorismo: uma revisão da literatura e a emergência de abordagens teóricas consoantes com o estudo de realidades específicas

In recent decades, the growing presence of entrepreneurial activity at a global level is notorious. However, in the theoretical field, more markedly in Brazilian productions, it is noticeable the little relevance that new contributions have achieved in the face of a reigning and persistent classical-hegemonic literature of studies on the subject. In this sense, this article, the result of a doctoral research in progress, arises from the search for the composition of a theoretical belt that provides support for a research on the entrepreneurial activity of workers in the peculiarity of the context of Bahia. We focus our gaze on academic-theoretical propositions that propose ruptures and/or expansion of classical-dominant postulates. Regarding the methodological issue, this writing consisted of selecting and analyzing a vast production in three different languages ​​(Portuguese, English and Spanish) in different bases of scientific articles, in portals and networks of international researchers. As a result, we present five clusters, which we name approaches, namely: practice in entrepreneurship theory, context-focused entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and identity, entrepreneurship and poverty reduction, feminist approach to entrepreneurship. It is hoped that this review will contribute to a new research and theoretical production agenda for the field of entrepreneurship.  

Open Access
Analysis of the Measurement of the Place Mark Value: An Empirical Research in a Tourist City in the Vale do Paraíba Region (Brazil)

Com a globalização houve o avanço do turismo e o marketing faz-se importante no gerenciamento dos destinos (Buosi, Lima, & Leocádio, 2014). Assim como produtos e serviços são dotados de marcas para fortalecimento, posicionamento e diferenciação no mercado, o mesmo aplica-se a locais (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Dessa forma surge então a mensuração do valor de marca de lugares, a qual permite e análise das variáveis individualmente e no todo. O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o teste de uma escala de mensuração do valor de marca de lugares para uma cidade turística do Vale do Paraíba, Brasil. Elaborou-se uma escala e aplicou-se um questionário online, trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva empírica. Os dados foram avaliados através de um modelo de equações estruturais e a construção do modelo foi feita através do software Smart PLS. No modelo formativo o r² foi de 0,621 indicando que o modelo principal confirma a literatura, sendo assim um bom modelo para se mensurar o valor de marca de lugares e no modelo reflexivo o r² foi de 0,577. As variáveis mais significantes para o modelo principal (formativo) foram: “reputação” – 0,728, “imagem” – 0,859, “qualidade” - 0,838, “econômico” – 0,804, “preferida” – 0,875, “preferência” – 0,951 e “idosos” – 0,773.
