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The birth of the Mamluk dynasty in Egypt in the 13th century marked an important period in the history of the Middle East. This dynasty was born from a military slave system which then took over political power. The Mamluk lifestyle was manifested by great military power, a prosperous economy, and a rich cultural heritage. The Mamluk dynasty also had an influence on Islamic civilization, including in the fields of architecture, art, science, science, and others. But before giving its glor to Islamic civilization The Mamluk dynasty went through a very long and difficult process. The destruction of Baghdad by the Mongol army made the Mamluk dynasty the savior of Islamic civilization with the success of the Mamluk troops who were able to repel the threat of destruction from the Mongol troops which ultimately made Egypt, Iraq and the surrounding areas intact and safe. So that Islamic civilization can develop religious values. The end of the Mamluk dynasty’d rule came in the 16th century when they faced external pressure and internal upheaval, ending their dominance in the region. Based on the background above, the focus of this article is: (1) the birth of the Mamluk Dynasty. (2) lifestyke of the Mamluk Dyasty (3) the collaps of the Mamluk Dynasty. This article uses a qualitative method, namely by collecting information or darta from literature and journal analysis as a reference. The purpose of this article (1) to find out the history of the founding of th Mamlu dynasty? (2) what wasthe lifestyle of the Mamluk dynasty? (3) how did the reign of the Mamluk dynasty end? The fina step that the author obtains the results of the research and writes the results into a scientific work so that readers know the history of the founding of te Mamluk kingdom until the collapse of the dynasty. The Mamluk dynasty was a dynasty that was founded in the 13th century in Egypt and this dynasty had a fairly lon history which resulted in the enthusiasm of the Mamluk to eradicate the threat from the Mongols.

Open Access

This study aims to understand the various perspectives in Islamic education theories through doctrinal-normative, philosophical, sociological, anthropological, psychological, and historical approaches. Utilizing qualitative content analysis methods, this research examines the depth of Islamic education theory based on primary sources such as the Qur'an and Hadith, as well as their interpretations and implementations in the context of contemporary education. From a philosophical approach, this study investigates educational principles aimed at stimulating human intellectual and spiritual capabilities. Meanwhile, the sociological approach discusses the interaction of Islamic education with social dynamics, the anthropological approach focuses on cultural aspects, the psychological approach explores the development of personality and emotions, and the historical approach examines the evolution of educational practices in Islamic history. The findings of this study provide a multidimensional understanding of Islamic education that can serve as a reference for the development of curricula and teaching methods that align with Islamic values and the needs of modern society. The development of Islamic education theories should be holistic or comprehensive in order to educate human resources that are of high quality both scientifically and in terms of personality, as well as to promote a good quality of social life.

Open Access
Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter pada Generasi Islam Milenial

Abstract The nation's character is a unique behavior that is reflected in a person. In this era, the character of the nation is experiencing a decline by various factors so as to form an uneducated generation, such as juvenile delinquency, brawls between students who create unrest in society and even fall into drug use. This character education is very necessary for the current generation of millennial Islam, because basically the millennial generation of Islam is the generation of national mobilizers who will become reformers and be the successors of leadership in the future. This study aims to (1), find out how the application of character education is appropriate for millennial Islamic generation, (2), find out the factors that influence the deterioration of character in millennial Islamic generation. This study uses qualitative methods with explanations from various literature studies and through information from respondents. Based on the results of the above research, the application of character education in this millennial generation can be practiced in the learning process, by integrating the learning process with the values ​​of character education in learning, such as religious, honest, tolerant, etc. It is hoped that the millennial generation of Islam will not only be able to understand theories, but will also be able to apply these values ​​in everyday life.Keywords: Implementation, Character Education, Millennial Generation.

Open Access