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Mapping the Public-Private Partnership Researches in Waste Management: A Bibliometric Analysis

The increasing societal demands for effective waste management have compelled the government to provide optimal services in accordance with established standards, while carefully considering various relevant aspects. Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) have emerged as a conceptual framework to address these challenges. This article aims to comprehensively analyze and map the existing literature on public-private partnerships in the context of waste management. The mapping of this literature offers valuable insights into the theoretical foundations, practical implications, and potential future directions policy development in this field. Through bibliometric analysis and the application of the PICO Spider framework, a citation review was conducted based on the number of citations and journal sources. Co-authorship analysis was also performed based on authors and countries, while co-occurrence analysis was carried out based on all keywords. Furthermore, the analysis and visualization were conducted using the VOSviewer application. The utilization of VOSviewer facilitates the visualization of these findings, allowing for a more intuitive understanding and interpretation of the bibliometric analysis results. At the partnership level, the government needs to have full involvement, while higher-level government entities (such as provinces and central government) also play a role in indirectly supporting waste management programs. Private entities, on the other hand, can engage in waste processing using established technologies. However, if this is not feasible, privatization of waste management through independent Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can serve as a new source of assistance for the government.

Power Communication Actors Cash Social Support Program for Impacted COVID-19 Citizen

Government as an important body in the framework of governance. The government must pay attention to peace and public order, the demands and expectations as well as the opinions of the people, the needs and interests of the community, environmental influences, communication and coordination arrangements, the participation of all levels of society and the existence of legitimacy. This study aims to analyze actor relationships by analyzing aspects of social network analysis calculations such as actor popularity (degree), actor closeness to other actors (closeness), and which actor functions as a liaison between one actor and another (betweenness).The mix-method approach is used to answer the problem formulation. Data were obtained through interviews and collecting questionnaires from the actors involved in implementing the cash direct social assistance distribution program in Batu City. Data were analyzed through an interactive analysis model using an analytical tool using social network analysis. The results of this study indicate that each actor involved in implementing the social assistance distribution program for people affected by Covid-19 in Batu City has different networking patterns. The strategic actor in the implementation network for the distribution of social assistance programs for people affected by Covid-19 is the social service. Each actor has their own role, namely the Covid-19 task force unit acts as a program maker. By analyzing communication relationships through social network analysis by focusing on public actor communication, we can find out the actor's communication relationship in the Covid-19 social assistance program.

Increasing Public Participation in the 2024 Elections: A Stakeholders Mapping Analysis Approach

In the context of the successful implementation of the 2024 General Election it is necessary to have the synergy of Stakeholders/stakeholders from all groups involved. Stakeholders have a role to play in realizing better democracy, one of which is through increasing people's political participation in the midst of situations and conditions that are still in the recovery period due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The existence of this problem requires concrete new steps in dealing with this unusual situation by maximizing the role of stakeholders. The purpose of this study is to map the roles of various stakeholders involved in maximizing the role of each actor in building synergy in the implementation of elections which directly or indirectly affect the level of community political participation in the. This study uses a type of qualitative research using secondary data analysis techniques in writing. The results of the stakeholder mapping show that the central and local governments are the contest setters, KPU, Bawaslu, NGOs, the media and political parties as players, candidates and pairs of candidates are designated as subjects, and the voting public as crowds. With the stakeholder mapping in the 2024 Election, this can be used as a strategic policy step to increase public political participation in the 2024 Election.

Public Service Innovation through ARSI (Study in Rampal Celaket Village)

The public's demand for public service has encouraged the government to innovate services to improve public service. One service that must be considered is the service of incapacity certificate. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the service of a certificate of incapacity through ARSI in Rampal Celaket Village. This type of research uses a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation with a research focus on online service ARSI, management of incapacitated certificates, and Certificate of Disadvantage service procedures consisting of indicators of the simplicity of service procedures, clarity of service, ease of service access, and timeline in service. The result of the study shows that the certificate service for incapacity through ARSI is implemented in the Rampal Celaket Village based on the principle of public service according to the Minister of Administrative Reform No. 63 of 2003 concerning General Guidelines for the Implementation of Public Services. The Rampal Celaket Sub-District Office is making efforts to simplify service procedures seen from access via WhatsApp besides seeking clarity of service seen from the ARSI service display which contains various information about the Rampal Celaket Village in detail, then ease of service through ARSI seen from access via cellphone and how to use it by clicking or typing according to needs and supported by supporting facilities and infrastructure as well as the ability of employees.

Alternative Policies for Handling Abhakalan Problem of Early Marriage in Madura

Dispensation of early marriage in Madura is almost evenly distributed in four districts in Madura. The problem of early marriage is inseparable from the cultural factor of abhakalan which has become a tradition of arranged marriages from an early age. The implementation of Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning marriage, especially the age limit for marriage, has so far not been optimally applied to village communities. This study aims to provide alternative policies in dealing with the problem of early marriage in Madura. The method used in this research is qualitative with a literature review based on secondary data sources. Then the various data sources were analyzed through three approaches, namely; partnership, networking, and participatory. The results of the study show that alternative policies through three approaches (partnership, networking, and participatory) can be combined with the Madurese philosophical bupa' (father), babu (mother), guruh (teacher), rato (leader) where there is compliance in carrying out the policy because some of these subjects are highly respected by the Madurese people. Each of their roles is the government (rato) as a partner in carrying out programs based on existing policies, kiai and teachers (guruh) in providing religious education and character education, and parents (bupa' and babu) in the process of parenting and the main prevention of culture abhakalan.

The Impact of Work from Home Policy for the State Civil Apparatus

Since the issuance of the circular letter of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment Bureaucratic Reform No. 19 of 2020 concerning the adjustment of the work system of the State Civil Apparatus to prevent the spread of Covid 19 within government agencies, since then Regional Heads have been competing to make calls through policies within their regions to carry out work from home or more popularly called WFH (Work From Home). In this study, a problem was raised as follows, the first is How the Impact of Work From Home for the State Civil Apparatus, and the second is what elements can be classified as the impact of the mayor's policy on work from home for the State Civil Apparatus. Data collection by asking questions through questionnaires distributed to State Civil Apparatus in the Malang City regional secretariat area. After the data is collected, it will be analyzed using a qualitative approach by classifying it as a result for in-depth analysis and corroborating the cause and effect. The results obtained that the implementation of work from home for the country's civil apparatus also has an impact on employees, organizations, the environment, and society as well as social systems. Employees are given flexible time to work from home and be closer to family, but obstacles to productivity arise when work from home cannot discipline themselves in managing time due to many distractions that occur at home.

Implementation of Village Financial Management Through SISKEUDES in Pandanrejo Village

The use of digitalization in the implementation of village government is a necessity that needs to be realized. Moreover, in village financial management, the village financial system or Siskeudes is part of the digitization of village government administration. Unfortunately, its application in the village that is the pilot of the Batu city government's digitization project, namely Pandanrejo village, is still experiencing problems related to the system that is still running offline. This study aims to analyze and describe the implementation of village financial system management and its supporting and inhibiting factors. Descriptive qualitative is used in this type of research. The results of the study found that the implementation of village financial management through the application of siskeudes in Desa Pandanrejo was following the provisions which include planning, implementation, administration, reporting, and accountability. However, there are some obstacles at some stages. The planning stage is constrained by the late delivery of the indicative ceiling from the City. There is an administration stage it is explained that this stage is the responsibility of the head of financial affairs, but because the HR of the head of financial affairs of Pandanrejo Village is low, this is the background for the delegation of authority to other staff to act as admins siskeudes. Based on this, it is necessary to develop the human resources of village officials at the administrative level in the context of digital administration. Siskeudes needs to be fully supported by a network that can ensure that the system is always in online condition because the existing conditions in the application field are still offline. although this does not affect the performance of the village, it results in data not being quickly available and making it difficult for the Batu City Government

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