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Zagadnienie reformacji w katechizmach i podręcznikach do nauki religii w latach 1945–1990

The year 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of Reformation in the Lutheran Church. The celebrations are accompanied by numerous exhibitions, academic conferences, ecumenical services, in which Catholics also take part. It does not mean, however, that Catholics celebrate the schism in the Church which took place 500 years ago but undertake theological refl ection and participate in ecumenical prayer. Such a refl ection is also undertaken by Professor Beata Bilicka in her article The question of Reformation in catechisms and religious education textbooks in 1945–1990 which focuses on the evolution of ecumenical catechesis before and after the Second Vatican Council. Synthetic refl ections are limited to the presence of Martin Luther and Reformation in catechisms and religious education textbooks which were used in Poland from 1945 to 1990, i.e. until religious education returned to schools and kindergartens. The article consists of three parts. The fi rst part briefl y characterises pre-conciliar catechesis (1945–1965) which was closed to ecumenical dialogue in a broader sense of this word, also when it comes to the Lutheran Church and therefore this type of approach might be described as intolerant. The second part of the article demonstrates how after the Second Vatican Council the teaching about Reformation has changed in religious education classes. The article ends with a synthetic conclusion.

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