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Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sampah dari Limbah Sayuran di Kwt Kenanga, Kelurahan Kedung Waringin Kecamatan Bojong Gede, Kabupaten Bogor

Organic Fertilizers are fertilizers made from various natural ingredients. These natural ingredients can come from leaf litter or from food waste and leftovers. Garbage and food waste is fermented anaerobically (without oxygen) and without the help of the sun. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the manufacture of organic fertilizer from vegetable waste to the Kedung Waringin Village community. The material provided in this activity is how to utilize vegetable waste into products that have economic value. The material includes processing waste into organic fertilizer. The material is given by way of presentation using PowerPoint. The method of this activity is in the form of counseling and training to provide insight into organic fertilizers. The results of the socialization of organic fertilizers showed that the knowledge of the ylang-ylang women farming group increased by an average of 7% through the pretest and post-test values ​​during the socialization. Based on the evaluation, it shows that the women farmer group has been able to make organic fertilizer independently. Socialization on the manufacture of organic fertilizers provides additional insight for women farmer groups on the use of organic fertilizers for agriculture.

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Open Access
Workshop Menulis Dongeng Berbasis Augmented Reality untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Literasi Digital Guru SD

The location of SD N Tukharjo, which is about 30 km from the Kulon Progo district center, makes educational facilities such as the regional library difficult to reach for students and teachers. The mobile library car run by the Kulonprogo regional library has also not reached SD N Tukharjo. The impact is that students and teachers only use the school library as literacy material. Currently Face-to-Face Learning (PTM) also limits the circulation of borrowed books in the school library. Through this activity, teachers will be given a deeper understanding of the nature of the literacy-numeration school program. Teachers are also encouraged to produce works in the form of fairy tale books that can add to reading material in reading corners or libraries, as well as increase skills regarding digital literacy by making literacy books based on augmented reality (AR). This service activity is carried out through four stages, namely planning, implementation, mentoring, and evaluation and reflection. From the results of the evaluation and reflection activities it can be concluded: 1) there is an increase in knowledge and digital literacy skills for teachers at SD Negeri Tukharjo, and 2) teachers at SD Negeri Tukharjo have succeeded in composing augmented reality fairy tales and have been ISBN-approved.

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Open Access
Pengolahan Es D’Wecang (Dawet Secang Tapioka) Minuman Tradisonal yang Memiliki Banyak Manfaat

At this time the life of the Indonesian people has been much influenced by the outside world in terms of lifestyle, clothing, way of speaking, attitude to food and drink. There are lots of foods and drinks from abroad that are popular in Indonesia and there are not a few enthusiasts, from young people, children, to the elderly, and some local foods and drinks are starting to lose interest, even some children don't recognize traditional food and drinks. And Currently, the rise of chemical-based drinks that are not in accordance with human life standards is growing rapidly in Indonesia, along with the development of science and changes in lifestyle, people are becoming more selective and critical of food consumption. to support health. At this PKM we process Dawet Ice made from secang wood and cassava flour which has many health benefits. The PKM method used is environmental reinforcement, Dawet sappan ice processing and marketing strategy. The purpose of this PKM is to preserve local drinks so that they can still exist today. The promotion strategy through social media such as on Instagram, tiktok, through go food, shopee food, and so on will make it easier for us to promote it. Apart from that, we will also continue to innovate so that our products continue to exist and are not out of date. The conclusion is that in this millennial era, we must innovate and take advantage of social media to increase creativity so that products that look simple can have a high selling value, even though they are simple local products, they are still contemporary drinks.

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Open Access
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pembuatan Buket Bunga untuk Menunjang Eksistensi Desa Wisata Banabungi

The ecotourism concept was formulated by the government in the mid-1990s. The stretch of ecotourism began to be felt when tourism villages popped up everywhere. Banabungi Village, which is located in Pasarwajo District, has an icon of pride in Buton Regency, namely the asphalt mining company PT. WIKA BITUMEN and Banabungi port. Banabungi Village has many attractive locations, such as the Kali Lakua and Kali Sollo tourist parks, Rainbow Bridge, and the Dive Center. The community are mostly high school graduates and work as fishermen and traders. The natural conditions and environment are still very natural, with many ethnic plants typical of the coastal area, such as weeds and other shrubs. These plants have not been used economically and grow wild everywhere. The purpose of this community service activity is to utilize the potential of endemic plants so that they can have high economic value. The method used is to provide counseling about the importance of utilizing the natural potential around us to increase family income and provide training in making flower bouquets from dried and fresh plants. The community members were very enthusiastic and very interested in the training on how to dry wild plants and arrange them into beautiful flower bouquets that are marketable.

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Open Access