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Studi Distribusi Udara Pada Ruang Ber-AC Untuk Mencapai Tingkat Efisiensi Energi yang Optimal

Penggunaan energi listrik bangunan di Indonesia didominasi oleh pemenuhan kebutuhan AC. Salah satu upaya untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja AC adalah dengan memperhatikan pola distribusi aliran udaranya. Saat ini, di pasaran terdapat 3 tipe pola distribusi udara AC, yaitu (1) perfect mixing, (2) displacement, dan (3) radiant cooling. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh tipe-tipe distribusi AC tersebut terhadap konsumsi energi pendinginan dengan metode studi literatur, perhitungan matematis, dan simulasi komputer. Adapun kriteria kenyamanan yang digunakan bersumber dari SNI 03-6572-2001 dengan besaran suhu udara 24oC sebagai titik tuju (setpoint) AC dari kondisi awalnya 28,1oC. Sedangkan perhitungan tingkat konsumsi energi didapatkan dari lamanya waktu mencapai setpoint. Perhitungan menggunakan skema tiga skenario beban kalor diasumsikan menjadi lamanya waktu mesin AC saat jeda (idle), yaitu; (a) beban kalor besar, waktu jeda 30 detik, (b) beban kalor sedang, 60 detik, dan (c) beban kalor kecil, 90 detik. Dengan waktu operasional 300 jam per bulan, hasil perhitungan konsumsi energi pola displacement sesuai skenario adalah; (a) 148,4 kWh/bulan, (b) 116,6 kWh/bulan, dan (c) 96 kWh/bulan. Sedangkan perfect mixing; (a) 160,9 kWh/bulan, (b) 132,8 kWh/bulan, dan (c) 113,1 kWh/bulan, serta radiant cooling; (a) 191,5 kWh/bulan, (b) 180,5 kWh/bulan, dan (c) 170,6 kWh/bulan.Kata kunci: efisiensi energi, pengkondisian udara, pola distribusi udara

Open Access

Bahan bangunan berbentuk blok modular sudah cukup dikenal di dunia rancang bangun lingkungan binaan di Indonesia. Dalam bentuknya yang paling sederhana, blok modular ini dikenal dengan nama bata, bata merah, batako, conblock, atau lainnya. Unitnya yang modular memberi kemudahan dalam pembuatan, aplikasi dan transportasinya. Kekurangannya, blok ini umumnya dibuat melalui proses yang boros energi dan polutif (pembakaran bata, pemanasan semen dan kapur di tanur / kiln). Dalam perspektif lingkungan binaan yang berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan, kekurangan ini perlu diperbaiki agar jejak karbon habitasi manusia dapat ditekan. Tantangannya adalah mendapatkan blok modular yang hemat energi, tetapi dapat mencapai stabilitas dan performa struktural yang sesuai standard. Dalam penelitian ini, benda uji berbahan tanah dibuat dengan tanpa melalui proses pembakaran atau pemakaian semen dan kapur. Serat ijuk digunakan sebagai pengganti semen dan kapur yang selama ini dikenal sebagai stabilisator pilihan dalam pembuatan blok modular. Untuk melihat kinerja strukturalnya, benda uji utama dan pembandingnya diuji pada mesin uji tekan (compressive testing machine). Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan benda uji pembanding berupa blok modular dengan bentuk, dimensi dan cara pembuatan yang serupa, dengan perbedaan pada komposisi bahannya. Sebagai rujukan, digunakan SNI 15-2094-2000 (Indonesia) dan IS 1077 : 1992 (India) tentang klasifikasi kuat tekan bata merah bakar.

Open Access

Title: Community Participation In The Development Of Kampung Warna-warni Teluk Seribu In Balikpapan City The growth and development of the city is one of driving factors for the emergence of slums in urban areas. Slums are usually located on the outskirts of the city, an example of which can be found in Balikpapan known as “Kampung Nelayan” slum area. A common condition takes place in other big cities in Indonesia, and this has led the government to formulate programs and policies by issuing government regulations Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2011 concerning to Housing and Human Settlement Areas. It is stipulated in the regulation that “The management of slums must be carried out by the central Government, local Government and/ or by every individuals”. To improve the welfare and a better life quality, active community participation is needed to build sustainable habitable human settlements. In order to explore more about this concept, a research was conducted at Kampung Nelayan Warna-warni Teluk Seribu. The research aims at learning more about the roles of the community and obstacles encountered in developing Kampung Nelayan Warna-warni Teluk Seribu. The method used is descriptive analysis through observation, interview, literatures study, and related documents. The result of the research shows that community participation plays a successful role in developing Kampung Nelayan Warna-warni Teluk Seribu as one of the tourist attractions in Balikpapan which, then, leads to economic enhancement of local community and Balikpapan city. Keywords: slums, community participation, sustainable

Open Access

Title: The significance of the space of kota lama Kupang street according to the informal and formal street vendors The Space at Soekarno Street and Siliwangi Sreet in the Kota Lama Kupang area has existed since the establishment of Kupang city. Since then, this space has developed into a trading area and played important role as economic and social interaction instrument in the life of the people. The long-lasting activities and usage of the space by users, especially by the informal and formal traders indicate how they give meaning to the space. Finding the meaning of street space of Kota Lama will be benefitial in encouraging development sustainability and in contributing thoughts to the parties responsible for the continuing life at Kota Lama Kupang. The aim of this research was to find out the meanings of street space of Soekarno and Siliwangi Streets at Kota Lama Kupang and the underlying terms according to the space users of informal and formal sellers. The research employed qualitative approach with inductive analysis method. The informants were 24 informal sellers and four formal sellers who have been at the space for more than 15 years. The finding of the research was the depth knowledge about the meaning of space according to the informal and formal sellers and the concept underlying their existence. There were two concepts of meanings of the space found, namely living survival and local life unity (community). Both concepts were supported by six themes, namely theme of economy, kinship, togetherness, bonding with the place, gender and annual event. It was concluded that the meaning of Space Street at Kota Lama Kupang was categorized as local meaning. Keywords: meaning of street space, space users, kota lama, Kupang

Open Access

Title: Indonesian Shophouse Design Development based on the Establishment of Community and Social Aspect The existence of shophouse in Indonesia has been started in the 17th century at the Colonial Era brought by Chinese traders.Shophouse is considered as a solution of the increasing density of population in Indonesia and land limitation. Shophouse typology adapt along with time and its surroundings. Along with its development, nowadays shophouse’s design had its own problem. Basically shophouse is supposed to accomodate two functions which is residential and stores but its residential function become less dominant than its commercial function. One of the causes is the shophouse design can’t meet the resident’s social needs satisfaction. Method that used in this research is comparative by comparing shophouse design in Colonial era with shophouse design that commonly found in Indonesia. Based on the study, it showed that the shophouse design in Colonial era was able to accommodate social functions among the inhabitants while the shophouse design that is commonly found in Indonesia focused in terms of economy (how quickly sold) and ignore the residential needs in their design. The study is expected to provide benefits in shophouse design in future and can contribute the knowledge in the realm of architecture. Keywords: shophouse, social, facilities, community, development

Open Access

Title: Apartment Architectural Design Components in Bali Based On Critical Regionalism Approach A building is supposed to be designed suitable for the community’s life. The emergence of multistoreyed building as a solution over limited usable land has caused the practice of International Style where a building no longer regards the characteristics of place where they are built. According to the theory of Critical Regionalism, there should be appropriate integration between local and contemporary factors. Bali as one of many region in Indonesia with abundance of culture is seen as a suitable place to applicate this theory. The type of multistoreyed building chosen was apartment, which is becoming a prevalent phenomenon in the mentioned region, and also as a settlement building type it is seen as the closest type to inhabitant’s activity thus has a close connection with the community’s culture. The research is made to discover how far has the local and contemporary factors been applied to apartments build in Bali according to the theory of Critical Regionalism. This research utilizes qualitative method through the use of Critical Regionalism principles from Ken Yeang in the form of Functional Connection to analyze the case study. There are four steps of said principle, Direct Connection, Indirect Connection, Inclusive Contemporary Connection, and Landscape Connection. At the result of this research, it was found that there was a lack in application of Critical Regionalism principles particularly in principles of building form, the usage of traditional concepts, facilities availability, and treatment towards environtment. Keywords: critical regionalism, bali, apartment, local, contemporary

Open Access