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Use of lupine with bischofite in feeding of broiler chickens

Currently, feed and mineral substances of non-traditional origin are widely used in feeding animals and poultry. The effectiveness of using new mineral complexes and non-traditional feed ingredients is constantly being studied. In this regard, the study of mineral additives and non-traditional feeds, as well as the eff ectiveness of their use in feeding animals and poultry is an urgent problem. The purpose of the work was to study the use of lupine together with bischofite in feeding of broiler chickens. In order to achieve the purpose of research two scientific and economic experiments were carried out on broiler chickens of the cross Ross 308 to study the infl uence of an alternative feed protein (lupine variety Deco) and a natural mineral additive (bischofi te) on the quality of the resulting products. The duration of each scientific and economic experiment was 37 days. It was found in the results of the first scientific and economic experiment that the use of lupine of the variety Deco and the natural mineral additive bischofite in the diets of broiler chickens in the feed composition made it possible to obtain additional profi t in the amount of 197,64–1345,38 rubles per 120 heads of broilers. The level of profi tability in the 1st experimental group of broiler chickens was higher by 1,01 abs.%, in the 2nd experimental group by 6,72 abs.% and in the 3rd experimental group by 4,03 abs.% compared to the control group. In the control group this figure was 19,77 %. It was established in the results of the second scientific and economic experiment that the use of variety lupine Deco and the natural mineral additive bischofi te in the diets of broiler chickens contributed to additional profi t in the amount of 1171,51 rubles per on 120 heads of broilers. The level of profitability in the experimental group was higher by 5,56 abs.% compared to the control group.

Infl uence of the antioxidant “Bisphenol-5” when fattening of steers on the productivity and quality of beef

The use of intensive technologies in beef production will make it possible to most fully reveal the biological potential of meat productivity of dairy and combined breeds of cattle. The purpose of the research was to study the eff ect of the antioxidant “Bisphenol-5” during fattening of steers on the productivity and quality of beef. In order to conduct the experiment, 4 groups (one control and three experimental) were formed from steers of Black-and-White breed undergoing fi nal fattening, which were selected taking into account age, breed, and live weight. The experiment lasted for 122 days. Each group contained 15 steers. The steers of the control and experimental groups were housed in the same premise under the same conditions. In general, during the experiment the average daily gain in live weight of steers of the 1st experimental group was 1200,8 g, which was 7,5 % higher than in the control group. The mintensity of growth was observed in the 2nd experimental group. In this group the average daily gain in live weight reached 1275,4 g during the experiment or, respectively, 14,2 % (p ≤ 0,001), 6,2 % (p ≤ 0,05) and 2,4 % more compared to similar indicators among herdmates in the control, 1st and 3rd experimental groups. In steers of the 3rd experimental group the average daily gain in live weight was 1245,1 g, which was by 11,4 and 3,7 % higher, respectively, compared to the indicators of herdmates in the control and 1st experimental groups. In order to increase the efficiency of rearing and fattening steers of Black-and-White breed, we recommend to use a premix enriched with 0,25 % fat-soluble antioxidant “Bisphenol-5” in an amount of 100 g/head.

Metabolism and productivity of quails of Estonian breed when feeding the feed additive Krezatsin

The purpose of the work was to establish the metabolism and productivity of quails of Estonian breed when fed with the Krezatsin feed additive. Under the conditions of a quail farm, the feasibility of using the feed additive Krezatsin in the diets of quails of Estonian breed has been scientifi cally substantiated and proven. Its optimal dose in compound feed for quails has been identifi ed. It has been shown that the use of the Krezatsin additive in feeding quails increased the nutritional value of their feeding, had a positive effect on digestibility, the use of dietary nutrients, growth energy, the livability of quails, their egg and meat productivity. The use this additive reduced feed intake per unit of production. The data obtained in the experiment made it possible to theoretically substantiate and recommend additional resources for production to increase the effi ciency of quail production by optimizing the Krezatsin feed additive in their diets. It has been proven that the use of this additive when rearing quails in an amount of 50 mg per 100 g of compound feed contributed to the normalization of metabolism in the body of quails, significantly increased the digestibility of dry matter by 2,25 abs.%, organic matter by 2,16 abs.%, raw protein by 3,38 abs.%, crude fat by 2,67 abs.%, crude fi ber by 2,76 abs.% and nitrogen-free extractive substances by 1,16 abs.%. The tested additive contributed to better nitrogen absorption and use of macroelements diet. Feeding the studied additive as part of the compound feed contributed to an increase in the live weight of quails by 3,4 %, egg productivity by 6,0 %, improved the quality of eggs and reduced the compound feed intake per unit of production by 3,4 %.

Solubility and degradability of feed protein and the effectiveness of use of nitrogen in rations when feeding cows during the period of increasing the milk yield

Protein solubility significantly affects the efficiency of nitrogen absorption by ruminants. Easily soluble proteins are intensively converted into microbial protein in the forestomach, and less soluble proteins pass to the small intestine where they are digested. For highly productive animals, rations should be created that contain both easily soluble (60 %) and poorly soluble proteins (40 %). The purpose of the research was to study the solubility and degradability of feed protein and the effi ciency of using nitrogen in rations when feeding cows during the period of increasing the milk yield. Under the conditions of the Northern Trans-Urals the effi ciency of milking of cows was studied and a scientifi c basis was given for rations for holsteinized Black-and-White cattle with a daily milk yield of 20–25 kg based on traditional bulk feeds and concentrated mixtures enriched with locally produced rubsen presscake. In green feed, hay, silage, haylage, straw and concentrates, the solubility, degradability and amino acid composition of protein have been established. Comparing the tabulated data on the amino acid composition of the rubsen presscake protein and the data of our research we observed a diff erence in lysine (by 4,66 %), arginine (by 3,3 %), histidine (by 0,75 %) in favor of the rubsen presscake prepared under the conditions of the Northern Trans-Urals. Higher milk yields for the fi rst 100 days as well as for the entire lactation were obtained from the cows of the experimental group, whose ration included a concentrated mixture prepared on the basis of oats, wheat, and rubsen presscake. Thus, in the fi rst 100 days of lactation, 6,27 % more milk was obtained from animals in the experimental group than from cows of the same age in the control group, and in 305 days of lactation by 7,06 % more.

Effectiveness of use of biological drugs and microelements in the cultivation of chickpeakes in light chestnut soils in the Volgograd region

Chickpeas are widespread in countries with arid climates, where they are sown annually on an area of 10–11 million hectares. The favorable combination of protein, fat, carbohydrates, macro- and microelements, vitamins, and biological active substances in grain make it a complete feed for farm animals and poultry. The purpose of the research was to study the eff ectiveness of the use of biological products and microelements when cultivating chickpeas under the conditions of light chestnut soils in the Volgograd region. In the process of work, two series of experiments were carried out: the fi rst – “Pre-sowing treatment of chickpea seeds with microfertilizers” and the second – “Combined use of growth stimulants and microfertilizers”. The most important conditions for the realization of chickpea productivity, taking into account the biological characteristics of the variety Privo 1 in the soil and climatic conditions of light chestnut soils of the Volgograd region have been identifi ed. In the second experiment, the average lowest economic yield of chickpea variety Privo 1 was formed in the control variant without seed treatment with microelements and growth stimulants and was equal to 1,92 t/ha. The highest economic yield of chickpeas, on average, according to experience, was established in combinations of the growth stimulator HB-101 with boric acid or ammonium molybdate during pre-sowing seed treatment and was equal to 2,59 t/ha, i.e. was 34,9 % higher than in the control variant. It was recommended that under the conditions of the Volgograd region on light chestnut soils when cultivating chickpea variety Privo 1, before sowing, treat chickpea seeds with growth stimulant HB-101 (50 ml/t) in combination with ammonium molybdate (NH4)2MoO4 – (250 g/t) or boric acid H3BO3, B(OH)3 (500 g/t). Sowing should be carried out as early as possible with a seeding rate of 500 thousand viable seeds on 1 ha.

Influence of probiotic drug Propionovy on productive traits and physiological condition of broiler chickens

Recently, the use of various biological feed additives and especially probiotic effects in feeding of farm animals has become relevant. The purpose of the work was to study the effect of the probiotic drug Propionovy on the productive traits and physiological state of broiler chickens. Experimental studies were carried out under the conditions of Kuzbass Broiler LLC b the Kemerovo region. The object of the study was broiler chickens of the cross Hubbard ISA F-15. The studies examined the effect of certain doses of the probiotic drug Propionovy on the productive traits, physiological state of broiler chickens and the choice of the optimal dose of the probiotic. In order to conduct a scientifi c and economic experiment, groups of poultry were formed using the method of analogous groups, while day-old chickens were selected, from which four experimental groups were formed (control and three experimental). Thus, the 1st control group received the main diet adopted on the farm, consisting of complete feed, which included a feed antibiotic. In the 2nd, 3rd and 4th experimental groups, from days 1 to 4, chickens received the same basic diet as chickens in the control group. Starting from the 5th day, instead of a feed antibiotic, the probiotic drug Propionovy was added to the diets of chickens of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th experimental groups in doses of: 0,35; 0,50 and 0,65 ml/head, respectively, the doses were then increased according to the research methodology. The results received on base of the experiment the maximum revenue from product sales was 40 562,73 rubles was obtained in the 4th experimental group, which was 4,11 % more than in the 1st control group. The greatest economic effi ciency was also in the 4th experimental group and amounted to 547,26 rubles from experimental livestock or 2,76 rubles in terms of 1 head. Thus, economic calculations carried out based on the results of scientific and economic experiment indicate a positive eff ect of feeding the probiotic drug Propionovy on the prime-cost of production.

Feed additive “Reasil® Humic Vet” and its use in egg poultry farming

One of the ways to solve the problem of increasing the effi ciency of poultry farming is the use of biologically active additives of natural origin in poultry feeding, determining the optimal doses of their use, as well as their eff ect on the egg production of laying hens, the commercial quality of eggs, the digestibility of nutrients and economic effi ciency. The purpose of the work was to determine the optimal level of introduction of the liquid feed additive Reasil® Humic Vet into drinking water for laying hens. Experimental groups of laying hens were formed taking into account age, live weight and egg production. In total, 7 experimental groups were formed per 21 heads in each, which housed in separate cages of 7 heads. The duration of the experiment was 12 weeks. During the experiment, laying hens of the control group received the main diet. The use of the feed additive Reasil® Humic Vet was carried out in two stages. The liquid feed additive Reasil® Humic Vet was given to laying hens in the experimental groups with drinking water, at the first stage: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the amount of 0,25 ml, 0,50 and 0,75 ml per 1 liter water according to the group number, and at the second stage: 4th, 5th and 6th in the amount of 3,0 ml, 6,0 and 10,0 ml per 100 kg of live weight. As the period of feeding the additive increased, egg production in laying hens of the experimental groups gradually increased. As a result, the weekly egg production of laying hens in the 1st experimental group was 6,5 pcs. more compared to control group (p < 0,01). A further twofold increase in the amount of additive solution contributed to an even greater increase in egg production by 8,5 pcs. eggs in the 2nd experimental group (p < 0,01). However, increasing the additive to 0,75 ml/l of water increased egg production by 6,3 pieces, which was higher compared to the control group (p < 0,01), but less than in the 1st and 2nd experimental groups. Similar results were obtained at the second stage of the experiment. The laying hens of the 5th experimental group had the best performance. The positive eff ect of the liquid feed additive Reasil® Humic Vet on a number of hematological parameters has been established. The most eff ective dose of the test drug was 0,50 ml/l of water and 6,0 ml per 100 kg of live weight.

Hematological and biochemical indicators of steers of Hereford breed during the application of a growth stimulator

Modern livestock farming is actively applying the trend of accelerating the rate of milk and beef production through the use of various feed additives. In this regard, there was a need to study the adaptive abilities of the animal body against the background of the use of these additives. The purpose of the research was to study the hematological and biochemical indicators, of steers of Hereford bbreed against the background of the use of a growth stimulator. The experiment was carried out on steers of Hereford breed starting from 6 months of age, which were divided into 2 groups (control and experimental) of 10 animals in each group. The test animals of both groups were housed in free-ranging pens. The feeding rations were identical, except that the experimental group of steers was fed a growth stimulator, and the housing conditions were also the same throughout the experiment. The article contains information about the impact of stress-limiting environmental factors on the body of steers. The following indicators have been studied in depth: catalase activity, malondialdehyde, ceruloplasmin, and lipid peroxidation. The conducted studies allowed us to fully study the eff ect of a growth stimulant on lipid peroxidation in steers of Hereford breed under environmentally unfavorable conditions. This growth stimulator showed a positive effect on the animal body, as evidenced by the data obtained. In addition, we were able to reduce the concentration of lipid peroxidation by an average of 21 %. The studies conducted and the results obtained indicate the eff ectiveness of using a growth stimulator to increase the development and growth of steers. The study confirmed that the growth stimulator can reduce lipid peroxidation in the technology of rearing and fattening cattle in environmentally unfavorable areas of the Southern Urals, which confirms its antioxidant properties.

Economic and biological value of spring rape varieties for solving the protein problem under the conditions of the Southern Trans-Urals region

Rapeseed is an excellent representative of forage crops, which has no equal in nutritional value, feeding value or low cost of production. It can be considered an excellent source of edible oil, as well as feed protein, and occupies one of the leading positions in solving problems associated with the availability of protein nutrition in animals. The importance of this crop has increased with the development of various modern erucosinolate-free and low-glucosinolate varieties. The purpose of the research was to study the possibility of obtaining a stable yield of oilseeds and herbage mass of spring rape, identifying the most productive varieties for use in solving the problem of protein in feed under the conditions of the Southern Trans-Urals. Field experiments were carried out at the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after T. S. Maltsev – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kurgan State University” in 2021–2023. During the years of research, a negative eff ect of drought on the yield of seeds and green mass of spring rapeseed varieties was noted. The lowest average seed yield was obtained for all tested varieties in 2022 – 1,99 t/ha, in 2023 the yield was 2,23 t/ha and in 2021 – 2,37 t/ha. The strength of influence of the “weather conditions of the year” factor was 24,5 %, and the “variety” factor on the productivity of spring rapeseed was 35,7 %, which was by 1,5 times higher than the “weather conditions of the year” factor. The highest herbage mass yield on average was obtained on the variety Yarilo and amounted to 20,6 t/ha, then followed by the variety Yubileiny (standard). The lowest average over three years of research was shown by the variety Ratnik – 9,6 t/ha.

Growth and development of winter wheat when using growth regulators with retardant properties under conditions of the Non-Chernozem belt

High efficiency of using growth regulators is achieved only against the backdrop of balanced plant nutrition and a high level of agricultural technology. The use of growth regulators alone without balanced mineral nutrition of agricultural plants does not give the desired results. Thus, due to lodging of plants we can lose from 10 to 50 % of the cultivated products. As a result, in the country as a whole the shortage of grain can reach up to 15 million tons, which negatively aff ects the production of food and feed grain. The introduction of new progressive technologies using retardants is highly relevant, because will allow us to obtain stable grain yields even under unfavorable weather conditions. The purpose of the research was to identify the effectiveness of using growth regulators with retardant properties of a new generation when growing winter wheat with diff erent seeding rates, as one of the elements of agricultural technology under the conditions of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem belt of the Russian Federation. Under the conditions of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem belt of the Russian Federation the infl uence of growth regulators with retardant properties of a new generation on the productivity of winter wheat variety Nemchinovskaya 17 and the degree of plant lodging was studied in a multifactorial experiment. Features of the growth and development of winter wheat plants of Nemchinovskaya 17 variety, the formation of the main structural indicators and yield under the infl uence of growth stimulants with retardant properties were revealed. It was established as a result of the conducted research that when cultivating winter wheat under the conditions of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem belt of the Russian Federation on sod-podzolic, medium loamy soils, it was recommended to use the growth regulator with retardant properties Raggi at a dose of 1,5 l/ha in the tillering phase – the beginning of booting with a working solution consumption of 300 l/ha. When cultivating we recommend to use a sowing rate of viable seeds of 5,5 million/ha.
