What is the most suitable solute for studying solute transport in soil?

Answer from top 10 papers

The selection of an appropriate solute for studying transport in soil depends on the specific objectives of the research and the characteristics of the soil being studied. Each paper presents findings using different solutes, such as a conservative tracer in the Loess Plateau (Lu et al., 2022), potassium iodide in macroporous soil (Wang et al., 2013), and multiple tracers including iodine–nitrate and iodine–bromide mixtures for visualizing heterogeneous processes (Ju et al., 2024).
Interestingly, while some studies used inert salts like CaCl2 (Koestel & Larsbo, 2014) and NaCl (Li et al., 2021) to trace solute transport processes, others employed heavy metal compounds and pesticides (Agah et al., 2017) to understand reactive solute transport. The choice of solute can be influenced by factors such as the need to simulate non-reactive or reactive transport, the ability to detect the solute accurately, and the relevance to environmental conditions or pollutants of concern.
In conclusion, there is no single "best" solute for all soil transport studies; the choice should be tailored to the study's goals, the soil's properties, and the transport processes of interest. For non-reactive transport studies, conservative tracers like bromide or iodide are commonly used due to their minimal interaction with soil particles and ease of detection (Ju et al., 2024; Lu et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2013). For studies focusing on reactive transport, selecting solutes that represent the behavior of specific contaminants or nutrients, such as heavy metals or pesticides, may be more appropriate (Agah et al., 2017). Therefore, the best solute for studying transport in soil is context-dependent (`(Agah et al., 2017; Ju et al., 2024; Koestel and Larsbo, 2014; Li et al., 2021; Lu et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2013)`).

Source Papers

Estimation Parameters of Soil Solute Transport Processes by Using the Electric Resistivity Method

Preferential solute transport is a common phenomenon in soil, and it is of great significance to accurately describe the mechanism of pollutant transport and water and soil environmental governance. However, the description of preferential solutes still relies on applying solute breakthrough curves for model parameters fitting. At present, most of the solute breakthrough curves are obtained indoors, and with some limitations. Therefore, this study established a method for securing solute breakthrough curves based on the electrical resistivity method. The research results show that the change in soil concentration during the tracer infiltration process can be captured by establishing the fitting relationship between soil resistivity and solute concentration. Then the solute breakthrough curve can be found. Through a time moment analysis, the difference between the breakthrough curve parameters obtained by the traditional method and the resistivity method is slight; the average error is less than 10%. On this basis, the sensitive response of the parameters of the “mobile–immobile” model to concentration was elucidated through different concentration tracer experiments, among which β and D are more sensitive, and w is less sensitive. The suitable tracer concentration range should be 50–120 mg/L. Therefore, the established method could obtain the breakthrough curves and describe the transport of preferential solutes at the field scale.

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Open Access
Relation of reactive solute-transport parameters to basic soil properties

Solute-transport parameters are needed to assess the pollution risks of soil and groundwater resources. A reliable estimate of these parameters from easily measurable soil properties is therefore important. So, the correlations of the transport parameters for one metalloid compound (NaAsO 2 ), six heavy metal compounds (Cd(NO 3 ) 2 , Pb(NO 3 ) 2 , Ni(NO 3 ) 2 , ZnCl 2 , CuSO 4 and Co(NO 3 ) 2 ), two pesticides (cartap and carbendazim) and one inert salt (CaCl 2 ) with some basic properties of eight agricultural soils of Bangladesh were investigated. The purpose of this study was to generate information for development of non-parametric pedo-transfer functions for reactive solute transport through soils. The transport experiments with the solutes were done in repacked soil columns under unsaturated steady-state water flow conditions. The major solute-transport parameters – velocity of transport ( V ), dispersion coefficient ( D ), dispersivity ( l ), retardation factor ( R ) and Peclet number ( P ) – were determined by analysing solute breakthrough curves (BTCs). The basic soil properties pertinent to solute transport: clay content, median grain diameter (D 50 ), pore-size distribution index ( n ), bulk density ( r ), organic carbon content (C) and pH were determined. The associations of the solute-transport parameters with these soil properties were investigated and evaluated. Both the solute dispersivity and retardation factor increased significantly (p<0.05) ( l linearly and R following power law) with the increase in soil clay content. Dispersivity significantly decreased with the increase in median grain diameter following power law. The V , D , l and P values were weakly and negatively correlated with the soil bulk density. Retardation factor, R , was moderately and positively correlated with the ratio of clay content to organic carbon content. Dispersivity decreased but P increased, both significantly, with increasing pore-size distribution index, n . V , D and P were positively correlated with soil pH, while R and l were negatively correlated with it. The correlation of the solute-transport parameters with soil properties being significant (p < 0.05), in most cases, provides strong possibility of predicting solute-transport parameters from the basic soil properties through the development of pedo-transfer functions.

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Open Access
Imaging and quantification of preferential solute transport in soil macropores

Despite significant advances during the last decades, there are still many processes related to nonequilibrium flow and transport in macroporous soil that are far from completely understood. The use of X-rays for imaging time-lapse 3-D solute transport has a large potential to help advance the knowledge in this field. We visualized the transport of potassium iodide (20 g iodide l−1 H2O) through a small undisturbed soil column (height 3.8 cm, diameter 6.8 cm) under steady state hydraulic conditions using an industrial X-ray scanner. In addition, the electrical conductivity was measured in the effluent solution during the experiment. We attained a series of seventeen 3-D difference images which we related to iodide concentrations using a linear calibration relationship. The solute transport through the soil mainly took place in two cylindrical macropores, by-passing more than 90% of the bulk soil volume during the entire experiment. From these macropores the solute diffused into the surrounding soil matrix. We illustrated the properties of the investigated solute transport by comparing it to a 1-D convective-dispersive transport and by calculating the temporal evolution of the dilution index. We furthermore showed that the tracer diffusion from one of the macropores into the surrounding soil matrix could not be exactly fitted with the cylindrical diffusion equation. We believe that similar studies will help establish links between soil structure and solute transport processes and lead to improvements in models for solute transport through undisturbed soil.

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Characterizing Heterogeneous Processes of Water Flow and Solute Transport in Soils Using Multiple Tracer Experiments

It is important yet challenging to adequately describe heterogeneous flow processes in soils. The objectives of this study were to “visualize” heterogeneous processes of water flow and solute transport in soils by using multiple tracers and to quantify heterogeneities of soil water flow and solute transport by using a discrete random cascade model. Field tracer experiments on two soils were conducted with sequences of iodine–nitrate and iodine–bromide mixtures. On the basis of the experimental data, a random cascade model, an annular histogram, and a similarity index were applied to characterize the heterogeneous flow and transport processes in the soils. Results showed that water and solute penetrated into deep soil preferentially mainly because of the macropore flow. At the beginning of infiltration, the solute transport heterogeneity was mainly related to the saturation process of soil macropores. As more water infiltrated into the soil, the solute transport heterogeneity was mainly attributable to the change of flow paths. After the macropores were saturated, unstable infiltration fronts resulted in the transport heterogeneity. The experimental data and analyses of the random cascade model demonstrated that the solute transport process included more heterogeneous information than the heterogeneous water flow, which was related to the soil heterogeneity, water flow heterogeneity, and the heterogeneity of the solute transport itself.

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Mathematical Models of Water and Solute Transport in Soil

Improved understanding of water flow and solute transport through the unsaturated zone is important for the sustainable management of soils. As soils are complex and heterogeneous systems, quantification of the transport processes is difficult. More knowledge on the relationship between solute transport process, soil structure, hydrologic initial and boundary conditions, and observation scale is needed here.Modeling unsaturated flow and transport with mathematical or numerical methods is an important tool for predicting the infiltration and redistribution of soil water and the transport of solutes in the unsaturated zone. Flow and transport models are commonly used to support the decision making process in agricultural management, environmental impact assessment, toxic waste control, remediation design, and subsurface cleanup monitoring. The movement of contaminants through porou media describs by the combination of advection, diffusion-dispersion and chemical retardation. The most common model that describes solute transport by convection and dispersion is the convection-dispersion equation (CDE). This equation describes the change in concentration at any point along the flow path as a function of time. This paper is mainly dedicated to a discussion of basic processes for modelling of water flow and contaminant transport in saturated and unsaturated soils. After a brief description of the classical approach for simulating water flow and solute transport in porous media, issues related to water and solute trasport equation in soil.

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Open Access
Effects of Infiltration Amounts on Preferential Flow Characteristics and Solute Transport in the Protection Forest Soil of Southwestern China

Preferential flow has an important role as it strongly influences solute transport in forest soil. The quick passage of water and solutes through preferential flow paths without soil absorption results in considerable water loss and groundwater pollution. However, preferential flow and solute transport under different infiltration volumes in southwestern China remain unclear. Three plots, named P20, P40 and P60, were subjected to precipitation amounts of 20, 40 and 60 mm, respectively, to investigate preferential flow and solute transport characteristics via field multiple-tracer experiments. Stained soils were collected to measure Br− and NO3− concentrations. This study demonstrated that precipitation could promote dye tracer infiltration into deep soils. The dye tracer reached the maximum depth of 40 cm in P60. Dye coverage generally reduced with greater depth, and sharp reductions were observed at the boundary of matrix flow and preferential flow. Dye coverage peaked at the soil depth of 15 cm in P40. This result demonstrated that lateral infiltration was enhanced. The long and narrow dye coverage pattern observed in P60 indicated the occurrence of macropore flow. Br− and NO3− were found at each soil depth where preferential flow had moved. Increasing precipitation amounts increased Br− and NO3− concentration and promoted solute movement into deep soil layers. Solute concentration peaked at near the end of the preferential flow path and when preferential flow underwent lateral movement. These results indicated that the infiltration volume and transport capacity of preferential flow had important effects on the distribution of Br− and NO3− concentrations. The results of this study could help expand our understanding of the effects of preferential flow on solute transport and provide some suggestions for protection forest management in southwestern China.

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Open Access
Solute transport characteristics of a deep soil profile in the Loess Plateau, China

Understanding solute transport behaviors of deep soil profile in the Loess Plateau is helpful for ecological construction and agricultural production improvement. In this study, solute transport processes of a deep soil profile were measured by a conservative tracer experiment using 25 undisturbed soil cores (20 cm long and 7 cm diameter for each) continuously sampled from the surface downward to the depth of 500 cm in the Loess Plateau of China. The solute transport breakthrough curves (BTCs) were analyzed in terms of the convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and the mobile-immobile model (MIM). Average pore-water velocity and dispersion coefficient (or effective dispersion coefficient) were calculated using the CDE and MIM. Basic soil properties and water infiltration parameters were also determined to explore their influence on the solute transport parameters. Both pore-water velocity and dispersion coefficient (or effective dispersion coefficient) generally decreased with increasing depth, and the dispersivity fluctuated along the soil profile. There was a good linear correlation between log-transformed pore-water velocity and dispersion coefficient, with a slope of about 1.0 and an average dispersivity of 0.25 for the entire soil profile. Generally speaking, the soil was more homogeneous along the soil profile. Our results also show that hydrodynamic dispersion is the dominant mechanism of solute transport of loess soils in the study area.

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Open Access
Characterization and prediction of soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters using a random forest model

AbstractTo effectively control nonpoint source pollution and predict its transport and load, understanding water and solute transport processes, patterns and mechanisms is essential. However, the measurement of water movement and solute transport parameters is usually a laborious and time‐consuming task. It is important to predict water movement and solute transport parameters from more readily available soil physical and chemical properties. In this study, a database of soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters containing information retrieved from 83 published studies on soil properties, land use, management measures, etc. was established to characterize and simulate soil water movement and solute transport processes. Our results showed that the soil particle composition was closely related to all soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters. As the soil texture changed from sand to clay, the soil residual water content (θr) obviously increased. The soil porosity was significantly positively correlated with θr, saturated water content (θs), van Genuchten parameter α, dispersity (λ) and retardation factor (R) and negatively correlated with van Genuchten parameter n (p &lt; 0.01). The use of random forest models allowed the prediction of soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters by inputting common or even incomplete soil property parameters. The bulk density and particle composition jointly contributed 66% to the prediction of the soil hydraulic parameters and 44% to the prediction of the solute transport parameters. The pH exerted a notable impact on the solute transport parameters, especially dispersion coefficient (D), λ and R. The results may be useful in providing data support and facilitating the development of watershed nonpoint source pollution models.

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