
We investigated zooplankton distribution in September 2006/2007 at eight stations across Fram Strait in contrasting water masses ranging from cold Polar water to warm Atlantic water. Our main objectives were: (1) to describe the plankton community in the upper 200 m during autumn, and (2) to investigate the importance of small-sized copepods and protozooplankton in an arctic ecosystem when the majority of the large Calanus species had entered diapause. We sampled both with a WP-2 net and Go-Flo bottle and show that small copepods <1 mm are significantly undersampled using a WP-2 net with 90 μm mesh. Small copepods and protozooplankton made a significant contribution both in terms of abundance and total zooplankton biomass at all stations in September, when the large calanoid copepods had left the upper 200 m. The dominating group in the upper 60 m at all stations was Oithona spp. nauplii and their daily estimated grazing potential on the <10 μm phytoplankton ranged from 0.1% to 82% of the standing stock. Both Oithona copepodites and nauplii biomass showed a significantly positive relation with temperature, but not with potential food. Heterotrophic protozooplankton, on the other hand, were most likely bottom-up regulated by the availability of phytoplankton <10 μm. We hypothesise that Oithona nauplii and protozooplankton compete for food and conclude that there was a strong link between the zooplankton community and the microbial food web in Fram Strait.

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