
Some lenitic water bodies associated to Río Chucul and Río Saladillo on the Río Cuarto basin were selected in order to evaluate the composition and structure of macro-invertebrate benthonic fauna.Field works were conducted in September 1983 and May and November 1984. Cualitative and cuantitative samples were analyzed as well as the relationships between inventories determined by diversity, similarity and association indices. The observed dominant species were: Tanypus sp., Paratanytarsus sp. (Díptera), and Littoridina parchappei (Mollusca). Localities showed similar degrees of affinity (X = 0,36), the epifauna and infauna of the same place being most related. Each biotope was structurally and functionally different in composition.Diversity of life forms seem to be related to resource and microhabitat variations. The pools that are isolated from fluvial course have a richer fauna, a more complex trophic wed and are evolving to terrestrial stages.

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