
With the development of computer science, time and computer networks, primarily the Internet, as well as the increasing use of information and communication technologies in the company's business, it establishes a new form of business, and thus the economy. For several years, computing has been ranked high on political agendas in Europe and the world. Today, the European Commission considers computing to be literacy, which is the basis for understanding how digital technologies work and serves the development of 21st century skills, such as, among other things, "electronic business, ie. digital economics and analytical thinking. E-business operates on different principles in relation to the old economy and requires a different economic philosophy. Information, ideas, innovation and knowledge that create values, growth and productivity. The modern way of doing business guarantees a better access to the market and thus increases the position of companies, especially small and medium enterprises, in time and better use of their own resources provided by information and communication technologies. Companies, ie. SMEs in their challenges in the later stages of development will be precisely that, the better position in the global Internet market with its basic premises of creating good material bases and time make their offer accessible to potential consumers.


  • E-business operates on different principles in relation to the old economy and requires a different economic philosophy

  • The modern way of doing business guarantees a better access to the market and increases the position of companies, especially small and medium enterprises, in time and better use of their own resources provided by information and communication technologies

  • Ili je uzrok, većeg nivoa integracije i globalizacije poslovanja te povezivanje robe, usluga i kapitala na nivou svetskog tržišta

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Naročito internet tehnologija su dovele do velikih promjena u poslovanju preduzetničkih kompanija, i omogućavaju stvaranje novih poslovnih modela. Kako se približavala 2000 godina, po istoj logici memorisale bi se posljednje dvije cifre (00), što bi računarski sistemi vjerovatno prepoznavali kao 1900.godinu, i sve bi to izazvalo haos. Kako su svojevremeno poslodavci sedamdesetih godina prošlog vijeka za potrebe firme forsirali njihovo informatičko obrazovanje i vještine, to sada oni opskrbljheni tim znanjem i uz činjenicu da imaju mnogo slobodnog vremena postaju pioniri on line trgovine i forsiraju digitalnu ekonomiju. Sa novim vijekom elektronsko poslovanje kao strategiju ne prihvataju samo velike kompanije nego i države. Elektronsko poslovanje ne podrazumijeva prije svega kupovinu i prodaju, nego i poštovanje klijenta i poslovnog partnera, kao i način poslovanja u sopstvenom preduzeću on line i organizacija prema klijentima. Elektronsko poslovanje donosi novi koncept poslovanja u kompanijama, međutim ne garantuje i poslovni uspjeh. Najčešće prepreke su nedostatak infrastructure za uvođenje elektronskog poslovanja, neshvatanje prednosti koje nosi elektronsko poslovanje (posebno u smislu povratka investicije i brzine rada), pravna pitanja, odbijanje većine starije populacije da se “elektronski opismene” i nedostatak bezbijednosti u obavljanju elektronskog poslovanja, posebno transakcija

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