
An analysis of the causes of the crisis in the biological functioning of the human species caused by the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic has been attempted in the text. Five groups of reasons for this crisis have been identified and discussed. The reasons formulated from the perspective of the philosophy of biology have been found fundamental. A reference to the ideas of evolutionism and ecophilosophy have been made here. This was followed by a second group of reasons, presenting the theses of evolutionary biology from the perspective of pandemic threats. Next, the reasons of the philosophy of life and existential reflection have been analysed, emphasising the validity of the naturalistic justification of the processes in question. In addition, arguments from the point of view of moral philosophy (the problem of man’s coexistence with nature) have been presented. In the last group of reasons, social philosophy and ideological reasons (e.g. the relationship between power and responsibility) have been indicated.

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