
Collection, study, and classification of the vernacular geographic terms recorded as heard from speakers in certain locality still remain among substantial lines of the onomastic research in Ukraine. For this purpose, the field of material welfare being of the most actuality for people has been selected as description object. Connected therewith geographic terms have embodied and perpetuated in themselves lexemes inherent to different chronological periods. Geographic definitions were and still remain one of the top priority subjects of research pursued by both domestic and foreign scientists. Despite the significant number of researches done with a view to study of Zhytomyr Region specific geographic terms (T. Marusenko, P. Lysenko, and M. Nykonchouk), no special research has been pursued with regard to the Middle-Polissian geographic appellatives identifying Places of getting hold of materials for household chores used within the territory of Zhytomyr Region. No system description of the said nomina is available.
 Used definition Polysemantic geographic terms provides evidence of that not only area, where nomina under assessment are spread, but also used and localized in whatever other meaning is taken into account. It is proposed in the article to classify collected geographic terms with respect to the naming of the geographic realities. Zhytomyr Region specific geographic nomenclature for identifying Places of getting hold of materials for household chores was for the first time given as the integral system together with the structural and semantic description of the lexis used. The most widely and little-used, as well as sporadic terms were separated. Zhytomyr Region specific dialects are known for the mixed character of pronunciation that is manifested through the use of a number of phonetic forms of the same lexeme. These ones may exist in parallel within the same populated locality or be opposite to subdialect zones.
 Obtained results may be used for characterization of Zhytomyr Region specific subdialects, study of the inter-subdialect interaction, as well as compiling of the Geographic Terminology Dictionary of Ukraine.

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