
E-commerce plays a significant role in a country's economic condition. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, it has become more popular, along with concerns about its ability to handle information security. The Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) method could be a possible solution to the e-commerce payment security issue that hampers customer trust. This paper investigates the viability of an online payment framework based on the ZPK method. This method is an upgrade for authentication during the payment process in online shopping. Experiments on customers' perspectives of the payment framework based on the ZKP method were conducted and supported the perceived usefulness, ease of use, trust, control, satisfaction, and loyalty aspects of a better e-commerce website. It allows advantages for both customers and e-commerce and prevents fraud, which will increase the trust level for both sides. zkSNARK speeds up and lowers the cost of the process, but there is a risk of DOS. Future work needs to be done to handle DOS in this method.

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