
We conjecture that a T-dual form of pure QCD describes dynamics of point-like monopoles. T-duality transforms the QCD Lagrangian into a matrix quantum mechanics of zero-branes which we identify with monopoles. At generic points of the monopole moduli space, the SU (N) gauge group is broken down to U (1)N-1 reproducing the key feature of 't Hooft's Abelian projection. There are certain points in the moduli space where monopole positions coincide, gauge symmetry is enhanced and gluons emerge as massless excitations. We show that there is a linearly rising potential between zero-branes. This indicates the presence of a stretched flux tube between monopoles. The lowest energy state is achieved when monopoles are sitting on top of each other and gauge symmetry is enhanced. In this case they behave as free massive particles and can be condensed. In fact, we find a constant eigenfunction of the corresponding Hamiltonian which describes condensation of monopoles. Using the monopole quantum mechanics, we argue that large-N QCD in this T-dual picture is a theory of a closed bosonic membrane propagating in five-dimensional space–time. QCD point-like monopoles can be regarded in this approach as constituents of the membrane.

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