
The article deals with the study of Islamic consciousness in terms of the institution of zakat in its historical development and the prospects for its development in the modern historical process. Islamic spiritual leaders set the goal of implementing the ideas of the Islamic economy in countries and regions with a Muslim population and demonstrating the benefits of the Islamic economic model. This idea manifested itself rather strongly in the Volga region, in the North Caucasus, including Dagestan. There are ongoing processes of formation of Islamic economic thinking. The significance of the institute of zakat in the implementation of the Islamic economic model determines the relevancy of the study. This model claims to be competitive with the liberal model that dominates the modern world. The article shows the main provisions of the institute of zakat, determined by the fundamental Islamic sacred texts. The controversial issues of a legal nature are discussed, caused by external factors of a social nature. At the same time, we note that external factors are essential in changing the socially significant functions of zakat. The author concludes that the introduction of legal innovations in the institution of zakat did not affect its essential characteristics, defined by sacred texts. In determining the importance of zakat in the religious life of a modern Dagestan Muslim, the results of a sociological survey conducted by the author in 2021 have been used. The survey shows, firstly, that an ordinary Muslim does not have the necessary knowledge regarding zakat. In particular, under which circumstances and which property tax he is obliged to pay, designated as one of the pillars of Islam. Secondly, this tax is paid by an insignificant part of those who call themselves Muslims. The results of the survey lead to the conclusion that the institution of zakat, as the most important component of Islamic economic activity, is not sufficiently covered in the life of ordinary Muslims of Dagestan.

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