
The article concerns one of the basic groups of stakeholders on university campuses: students. Theoretical issues related to planning of public spaces, including university campuses, will be discussed, with particular emphasis on socializing the planning process and organization of socio-cultural events. The results of research conducted among students of culture and media management (Institute of Culture of the Jagiellonian University) will be presented. The research was conducted as part of the subject Urban projects (formerly Project management in urban space) in 2017/2018–2019/2020. The students’ task was to develop an analysis of the Jagiellonian University campus space, with particular emphasis on the building of the Faculty of Management and Social Communication (in which they defined their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), defined the target group, and proposed actions that could improve the quality of public spaces on the Jagiellonian University Campus (implemented with low/high expenditure in the short/long term). The work was carried out in groups, in total more than 60 responses were collected. ‘Good practices’ in the field of socio-cultural student activities that liven up campus space (e.g. the Culture and Media Festival Polikultura in Krakow) will also be presented.

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