
This experiment was conducted on a permanent layout at the west byde of BRRI farm, Gazipur during T. Aman 2019 to Boro 2021-22 to find out the suitable management practices for yield maximization of rice and soil health. Seven treatments in Randomized Complete Block (RCB) Design with three replications were imposed and each treatment was assigned in 5m × 4m sized plot. The treatments combinations were T1= Absolute Control (No nutrient supply), T2 = BRRI dose N-P-K-S@83-17-53-12 kg ha-1 in T. Aman and 138-21-75-21 kg ha-1 in Boro season, T3= Soil Test Based (STB) Fertilizer Dose N-P-K-S @ 67-10-40-10 kg ha-1 in T. Aman and 134-16-75-10 kg ha-1 in Boro, T4 = STB dose + 1 t ha-1 Cowdung, T5 = STB dose + 1 t ha-1 Poultry manure, T6 = STB dose + 1 t ha-1 Vermicompost and T7 = STB dose + 0.33 t ha-1 CD + 0.33 t ha-1 PM + 0.33 t ha-1 VC. Thirty-days old seedling of BRRI dhan87 in T. Aman and fourty-two days old seedling of BRRI dhan89 in Boro season were transplanted at 20 cm × 20 cm spacing in both seasons. All manures, soil and plant samples analysis were done by the help of soil Science Division BRRI, Gazipur. Initial soil (0-15 cm depth) properties were: soil texture, clay loam; pH, 6.94; organic Carbon, 1.59%; Nitrogen, 0.18%; Phosphorus, 21.88 ppm and Potassium, 0.19meq/100g soil. Thirty days old seedling of BRRI dhan87 in T. Aman and 42 days old seedling of BRRI dhan89 in Boro season were transplanted at 20cm x 20cm spacing. Grain yield, tiller number, panicle number, plant height and grain number were significantly affected by the different integrated nutrient management during both T. Aman and Boro season. Grain yield, tiller number, panicle number, plant height and grain number were significantly affected by the different nutrient management in both T. Aman and Boro season. Poultry manure related treatments and BRRI recommended dose performed better than the others in all the parameter except 1000-grain weight. On the other hand, Absolute Control (No nutrient supply) produced the lowest result. Every parameter, Poultry manure treatments have been performed the best. STB dose with one t ha-1 poultry manure is better for maximization of rice yield.

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