Sosyal Bilgiler/Tarih dersleri kapsaminda yerel tarih calismalari, yeni bir kavram olarak 2005 yili sonrasi ogretim programiyla gundeme gelmistir. Ancak yerel tarih calismalarinin okul boyutunda islevsel oldugunu soylemek cok da olanakli degildir. Peki, yerel tarih gercekten gerekli midir, ihtiyac midir? Bu arastirmada “yerel tarih, Sosyal Bilgiler ve Tarih ogretim programlarinda yer almali midir” sorusuna ogrenci ve ogretmen gorusleri cercevesinde cevap aranmistir. Nitel arastirma tasarimi kullanilan bu calismada, katilimcilarin seciminde amacli orneklem seciminden yararlanilmistir. Verilerin toplanmasinda yari yapilandirilmis gorusme ile anket formu kullanilmistir. Bu kapsamda Malatya ilinde gorev yapan 5 Sosyal Bilgiler ve 5 Tarih ogretmeniyle gorusme yapilmistir. Malatya’da ogrenim gormekte olan 10 ortaokul ve 10 lise son sinif ogrencisine de anket uygulanmistir. Elde edilen verilerin cozumlenmesinde icerik analizi yontemi kullanilmistir. Ogrencilerin yasadiklari sehrin tarihi, kulturel ozelliklerine iliskin yeterli duzeyde bilgi sahibi olmadiklari ulasilan genel sonuclardan biridir. Calismaya katilan ogretmenler de yerel tarihin ogretim programlarinda yer almasi gerektiginin altini cizmislerdir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yerel tarih, Sosyal Bilgiler Ogretimi, Tarih Ogretimi SHOULD LOCAL HISTORY HAVE A PLACE in SOCIAL STUDIES/HISTORY PROGRAMME? IS IT SAME “TO BE FROM MALATYA” and “TO KNOW ABOUT MALATYA”? Abstract: Local history studies within the framework of Social Studies/History courses have emerged as a new concept after the new teaching programme launched in 2005. To date it appears that local history has not been widely used in school settings. The question whether the local history studies are of importance and necessity in learning and teaching Social Studies/History needs to be illuminated. The basic motive of the present study is to answer whether local history has a place in the social studies and history curricula. This question motivated the present study. The study was designed in the line of constructivist orientation where qualitative research design was adopted. Social Studies and History teachers and their students participated in the study. Participants were selected on the basis of purposeful sampling. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to secondary (n= 10) and high school students (n= 10). Semi-structured interview form was another research instrument. Social Studies (n= 5) and History teachers (n= 5) working at schools located in Malatya were interviewed. Content analysis were benefitted in analyzing the written and verbal data obtained through questionnaire and interview protocols. The results of analysis revealed that students do have limited and superficial knowledge about the city in which they live. According to the findings majority of the Social Studies and History teachers verbalized that the local history is an important concept and should have a room in the curriculum. Keywords: Local History, Teaching Social Studies, Teaching History
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