
W.B. Yeats had a key role in the Irish folklore. Before writing his masterpieces, often arising froman original encounter between folklore and literature, the young Yeats was directly concerned withthe collecting of folklore. Initially he had worked as an editor, drawing his material from a varietyof XIX century’s narrative collections; however, through this editing he had already sketched hisown idea of folklore. With his later work, The Celtic Twilight, Yeats became a first-hand collector,thus acting as a folklorist. A singular kind of folklorist, indeed, who addressed his materialaccording to views and goals quite distant from the canonical approach of an ethnographic research.His was the approach of a writer seeking in folklore a different kind of literature. Hence, are welegitimized to regard Yeats as a folklorist? How to evaluate his unorthodox methodology? Was hisapproach unsuitable? Or, perhaps, by treating his material as a dynamic, living issue, rather than astatic, outdated item, was this approach more fitting for understanding folklore? These are somequestions I discuss in my paper, so as to develop a critical reassessment of the concept of folklore,its methods and aims.

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