
In a paper intended for private circulation only on the MSS. found in the excavations made at Herculaneum, but which was published, by mistake, in the Journal of Science and the Arts, I have described, in a general manner, the circum­stances which led me to make experiments on these remains, and mentioned some of my first observations on this subject. Mr. Hamilton, to whom this communication was sent, en­tered into my views with all that ardour for promoting the progress of useful knowledge which so peculiarly belongs to his character, and on his representation of them, the Earl of Liverpool and Viscount Castlereagh, with the greatest liberality, placed at my disposal such funds as were requi­site for paying the persons whom it was necessary to employ in trying new chemical methods of unrolling the MSS. and for examining and preserving them when unrolled; and his present Majesty, then Prince Regent, graciously condescended to patronize the undertaking. In this communication, I shall do myself the honour of laying before the Royal Society an account of all that I have been able to do on this subject; namely, first, a detail of my early experiments in England on fragments of papyri, which induced me to believe that chemistry might afford considerable assistance towards unrolling the MSS. Secondly, a description of the rolls in the Museum at Naples, and of some analytical experiments I made upon them. Thirdly, a detail of the various chemical processes carried on in the Museum at Naples on the MSS., and of the reasons which induced me to renounce my undertaking before it was compleated. And lastly, some general observations on the MSS. of the ancients.

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