
I have been favoured to receive from my friend, Dr. George Bennett, F. L. S., of Sydney, New South Wales, a further collection of fossil bones “from the Gowrie Creek, Darling Downs, Queensland.” Their correspondence in mineralized condition and colour indicates, and a vertebra supports by its degree of resemblance to the subject of Plate 34, in the “Philosophical Transactions” for 1880, their reference to Megalania prisca . I subjoin figures of the vertebra of the natural size. The neural spine is represented by a ridge which slightly expands at the hind end, Plate 13, fig. 3, ns , where it has been broken and worn down; but, as a “spine,” it has been smaller and shorter than in the vertebra compared (Phil. Trans., ut supra ). The abraded base of the spine, ns , occupies one inch of the hinder part of the ridge, traversing the mid­line of the neural arch, its greatest breadth being half an inch.

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