
The 7th Biennial Conference on High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging (XTOP 2004) was held in the Prague suburb of Pruhonice, Czech Republic, during 7–10 September 2004. It was organized by the Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association in cooperation with the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Masaryk University, Brno, and Charles University, Prague. XTOP 2004 took place just after EPDIC IX (European Powder Diffraction Conference) organised in Prague by the same Association during 2–5 September 2004. The Organizing Committee was supported by an International Programme Committee including about 20 prominent scientists from several European and overseas countries, whose helpful suggestions for speakers are acknowledged. The conference was sponsored by the International Union of Crystallography and by several industrial sponsors; this sponsorship allowed us to support about 20 students and young scientists.In total, 147 official delegates and 8 accompanying persons from 16 countries of three continents attended our conference. The scientific programme of the conference was divided into 11 half-day sessions and 2 poster sessions. The participants presented 147 accepted contributions; of these 9 were 45-minute long invited talks, 34 were 20-minute oral presentations and 104 were posters. All posters were displayed for the whole meeting to ensure maximum exposure and interaction between delegates.We followed the very good experience from the previous conference, XTOP 2002, and also organized pre-conference tutorial lectures presented by experts in the field: `Imaging with hard synchrotron radiation' (J Härtwig, Grenoble), `High-resolution x-ray diffractometry: determination of strain and composition' (J Stangl, Linz), `X-ray grazing-incidence scattering from surfaces and nanostructures' (U Pietsch, Potsdam) and `Hard x-ray optics' (J Hrdý, Prague). According to the recommendation of the International Program Committee, the invited lectures covered a broader field than the original conference subject, namely coherent speckle diffraction (I Robinson, Urbana), scattering from soft-matter films (W de Jeu, Amsterdam), femtosecond diffraction (J Wark, Oxford), magnetic soft x-ray microscopy (P Fischer, Stuttgart), x-ray standing-wave imaging (J Zegenhagen, Grenoble), new trends in hard x-ray imaging (J Baruchel, Grenoble), anomalous x-ray scattering from nanostructures, (T Schülli, Grenoble), in-situ x-ray scattering (G Renaud, Grenoble) and x-ray waveguides (W Jark, Trieste).The topics of the oral presentations and posters can be divided into two large groups, namely x-ray imaging and x-ray diffraction. In the first group, the contributions concentrated on new developments in methods and instrumentation, including in-situ imaging, phase-contrast imaging and three-dimensional imaging.In the second group, attention was paid to anomalous scattering methods and scattering from thin films and nanostructures. The full list of all contributions together with their abstracts areavailable at the website http://www.xray.cz/xtop.During one session, Professor Andrew Lang, one of the pioneers of x-ray topography who gave his name to the popular topographic technique, and honorary guest of XTOP 2004, celebrated his 80th birthday. In a celebration address Professor A Authier reviewed Professor Lang's career and his invaluable contribution to the development of our field.We continue the tradition of previous XTOPs and publish a selection of original contributions from the conference in this special issue of Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. The papers have been subject to peer review according to the normal practice of the journal.Generally, we observed that a new generation of young and very talented scientists has appeared, who are publishing very interesting and important papers. Therefore, the future prospects of x-ray imaging and high-resolution diffraction are bright and we all look forward to the next XTOP conference, organized by Tilo Baumbach and his group, which will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany, in 2006.

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