
X-ray microscope is an useful tool in biology because of the advantages of an inherent contrast mechanism. The performance of an x-ray microscope depends on the quality of its zone plates. The requirements for zone plate material are 1) x-ray absorptivity, 2) mechanical strength, and 3) ease of fine pattern fabrication. Hitherto, zone plates have usually been fabricated by electroplating of Au [1–3]. However, large diameter freestanding zone plates with high resolution have not been fabricated due to their low mechanical strength and complicated fabrication process. Recently we have developed an x-ray mask with Ta absorber for fine pattern replication [4]. Tantalum can meet the requirements for the free-standing zone plate material.KeywordsZone PlatePhoton FactoryOutermost ZoneElectron Beam ExposureTantalum FilmThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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