
The effects produced when concentrated hydro-sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) is poured upon hyperoxymuriate of potassa, have been often objects of chemical discussion; the acid and the salt, it is well known, become deep orange, and if any moisture is present, or if heat is applied to the mixture, a detonation occurs. In a paper read before the Royal Society, I have ventured to suppose, that these phenomena depend upon the developement and sudden decomposition of the compound of chlorine and oxygene, which I have named euchlorine. A statement, which I understand has been made by M. Gay Lussac, namely, that a peculiar acid, which he has called chloric acid, may be procured from the hyperoxymuriate of baryta by sulphuric acid, led me to examine the action of acids on the hyperoxymuriates under new circumstances, and I have made some observations which appear to me not unworthy of being communicated to the Royal Society.

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