
My Dear Faraday, The Council of the Royal Society having done me the honour to order the publication of my observations upon “Voltaic Combinations” in the Philosophical Transactions, I should wish to add the results of some further researches, which may render the account of the constant voltaic battery more complete and practically useful. My great object in this combination was to obtain an invariable current of force sufficient to effect chemical decompositions, after overcoming the resistance necessary to register its quantity by the voltameter; and having succeeded in this, it seemed to me almost a matter of indifference to the solution of the various important questions to which it might be applied, whether the quantity were large or small. I quickly, however, discovered that the battery might be rendered not only perfectly steady in action but very powerful; and that it would be extremely efficient and convenient for all the purposes to which the common voltaic battery is usually applied. I set myself therefore to perfect its construction with this view.

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