
This project was asked how to measure whether good operating practices; such as proven prevention, detection, repair, and mitigation actions are the key management decisions which contribute to safe gas and oil pipeline operations. Integrity assessment inspections such as in-line inspection (ILI) or direct assessment (DA), are a reliable integrity check on the effectiveness of these practices at a point in time. Integrity assessment inspections, (Pressure Test, Direct Assessment or In-Line Inspection), support the effectiveness of these operational decisions. System reliability is improved by these engineering activities. The continuous use of successful operating procedures (as proven practices such as ASME B31.8S) is in reality the foundation to provide a safe pipeline and reliable operations. These good and proven practices are also written into the company's standard operating practices (SOPs), to ensure they are routinely reviewed, updated and followed in day to day activities. Data was volunteered by five liquid and gas pipelines so that multiple ILI inspection runs could be evaluated. The results confirm the technical validity of using the inspection intervals approach in ASME B31.8S.

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