Advances in applied chemistry have led to the emergence of a new group of organic toxicants - xenobiotics, which have found wide application in industry, agriculture and everyday life, and quickly spread through the biosphere, exerting a prolonged effect on living organisms, including humans. Research was carried out in the waters of the Shlisselburg, Volkhov and Svirskaya lips of the littoral zone of the southern part of Lake Ladoga in the period 2020-2023, using generally accepted methods of biological and chemical analytical analysis of fish and their habitat. 1500 specimens were examined. Fish and 3000 larvae. Chemical-analytical studies of samples of water, bottom sediments, atmospheric precipitation and fish for metals were carried out in the laboratory of fishery ecology of the St. Petersburg branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNIRO" ("GosNIORH" named after L.S. Berg) on an atomic absorption spectrophotometer AA - 7000 (Shimadzu) according to approved methods (PNDF., 2010; M02-2406., 2013 and M02-902-125, 2005), and in the research laboratory of food and natural objects "ANALECT" of the Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, using the method of atomic absorption spectrometry according to approved methods. Hydrochemical and hydrological indicators were determined using an automatic multiparameter probe Aqua TROLL 500. The content of metals in the fish habitat at the surveyed equators, as dangerous toxicants and previously significant for Lake Ladoga, showed their low content and especially such highly toxic ones as lead and cadmium. Minor excesses were noted for copper and manganese, but they could not in themselves be the cause of pathological manifestations of toxicosis in fish and disruption of the process of their natural reproduction.
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