
A novel tetranorditerpenoid, sinubatin A (1) (having an unprecedented carbon skeleton), a new norditerpenoid, sinubatin B (2) (a 4,5-epoxycaryophyllene possessing an unusual methylfuran moiety side chain), and a known diterpenoid, gibberosin J (3) were isolated from soft coral Sinularia nanolobata. The structures of the new compounds were elucidated by extensive analysis of spectroscopic data.


  • Chromatographic separation on the acetone extract resulted in the isolation of two new terpenoids, sinubatin A and B (1 and 2), as well as a known compound, gibberosin J (3)

  • Chemical shifts are expressed in δ referring to the solvent peak δH 7.27 for CHCl3 and coupling constants are expressed in Hertz (Hz). 13 C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shifts are expressed in δ referring to the solvent peak δC 77.0 for CDCl3

  • The acetone extract (30.0 g) of S. nanolobata was concentrated under reduced pressure to a brown gum, which was partitioned between EtOAc and

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Soft corals coralsofofgenus genus (Alcyoniidae) reported besource a richofsource of novel. Soft havehave been been reported to be a to rich novel structures structures andterpenoids bioactive terpenoids and [1].studies. 4,5-epoxycaryophyllene possessing possessing an unusual methylfuran methylfuran moiety side chain), and gibberosin. The structures of and were determined by moiety side chain), and gibberosin J (3) (Figure 1). The structures of 1 and 2 were determined extensive spectroscopic analysis. The chemical structure of gibberosin was determined by by extensive spectroscopic analysis. The chemical structure of gibberosin J (3) was determined by comparison of ofits itsinfrared infrared(IR),. Spectroscopic data with the literature data [7]. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic data with the literature data [7]

Results and Discussion
13 C NMR 13
The above functionalities revealed shown
General Experimental Procedures
Animal Material
Extraction and Separation
Full Text
Paper version not known

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