
MY argument for the treatment of toxic goiter by the X-ray is based upon twenty-two consecutive years' use of this procedure. In my hands and in the hands of my associates, it has given results which are nothing short of marvelous. I consider X-ray therapy the treatment of choice. When considering the treatment of such a broad and ill-defined class of patients one may easily be misunderstood, unless some definition or description of the cases is given. The cases which we class as suitable for this treatment must have a rapid pulse when resting and a definite increased basal metabolic rate of plus 12 or more, associated with some of. the other symptoms such as fine tremor not limited to the fingers, tachycardia, profuse perspiration as shown by warm, moist palms, and some marked nervous manifestations, as frequent winking, change of disposition or unusual energy without continuity of purpose. In a marked vagotonic case the pulse may be as low as 80, but this is unusual. Such cases must have other definite ...

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