
We report and discuss the results of x-ray radiation measurements inthe Sino-Russian joint Z-Pinch experiments on Angara-5-1 facility witha load current of 2.5–3.6 MA. The measurements were conducted by usingan x-ray power meter (XRPM) and a time-resolved one-dimensional x-rayimaging system developed in China Academy of Engineering Physics. Theexperimental results indicate that an x-ray power-platformprior to a main peak and a less intensive sub-peak after the main peakin the waveform exist for the nested-wire array implosions, and theradiation process is relatively faster than that in the case of thesingle array. Laser shadowgraph of the imploding plasma suggests thatthe prior power-platform is a result of the collision of theinner-outer plasma layers. The faster radiation process of nested arrayimplosion can be explained by analysing the corresponding result of thetime-resolved one-dimensional imaging system, which demonstrates abetter axial imploding uniformity and synchronization. In comparisonwith x-ray diode, the XRPM yields a higher height of x-raypower-platform due to its flat energy response. The sub-peak after themain peak is proposed to be a result of the later-time additionalimplosion of plasma.

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