
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) was used to perform elemental analyses of samples of Mexican varieties of dried chili peppers. Specimens of nine varieties of Capsicum annuum L. (ancho, morita, chilpotle, guajillo, pasilla, mulato, piquín, puya, and árbol) were analyzed to determine the contents of 12 elements (P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, and Sr). There are mainly two types of samples: one bought as packaged chilies in markets and the second one as unpackaged products in street markets. The aim of this work to establish differences in the elemental concentrations of each category and compare with home-grown samples previously analyzed (varieties of Capsicum annuum L., Capsicum chinense, and Capsicum pubescens). The samples were freeze dried and deposited in plastic vials. XRF analyses were performed with a Rh X-ray tube spectrometer and a Si-PIN detector. The system detection calibration was achieved using NIST standard reference materials 1547 (peach leaves), 1574 (tomato leaves), and 1570A (spinach leaves), while analytical accuracy was verified with the standard reference material 1571 (orchard leaves). Measured elemental concentrations for each variety are presented and extract dissimilarities with Cluster Analysis plus Principal Component Analysis. The results showed mainly five groups, each one characterized by different elements.

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