
In everyday practice, the university has a task of shaping the intellect and developing the mental culture of students. The creative and active character of a person's personality is manifested and shaped in the process of exteriorization and expression. Based on the concept of language and thinking, attention should be paid to the particular importance of verbal expression. The basis here is the hypothesis that thought is realized in a word. As we develop a language, we also increase opportunities for externalization and improvement of thought. The article emphasizes values of verbal expression and its role in the personal experience and assimilation of the world, in shaping creative attitudes. The author recommends linking creative work of neophilology students to the mastery of a foreign language with the formation of their intellect and humanistic attitudes. Such conditions enabling, on the one hand, the improvement and enrichment of language skills and, on the other hand, free expression of one's thoughts are created by learning based on the technique of free text developed by French educator C. Freinet. The article shows how the technique of free text can not only be an auxiliary element, but can become a starting point and crucial issue in the work on the practical mastery of a foreign language and intellectual development of students, as well as how to anchor the improvement of language skills in intelligence, dynamics and expression of future language teachers.

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