
The aim of this article is to introduce assumptions in the scope of physical education, health education and care carried out in the Volhynian Gymnasium in Krzemieniec. The school that was established on the initiative of Tadeusz Czacki functioned over the period 1805–1833. It was the representative institution, in which education of young people was provided according to the newest for that age education models. In the curriculum there were proposals of the National Education Commission, part of which concerned issues connected with physical and health education. In the Volhynian Gymnasium physical education gained particular recognition and became equally important as other taught subjects. Pupils had to take part in physical activities, which included running, sword playing and swimming. Furthermore, additional activities like horse riding, fencing and dancing were organized. In school curriculum there was a hygiene course, and pupils were provided with the extensive medical care, starting education in this subject through providing medical attention in the school and at home.

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