
This paper proposes a cost-effective system that can be used by farmers easily. In these modern times also, we find farmers going to their fields to check the water level and to see that no cattle are present near the field. Even if there are cattle he can’t do anything at that moment. So, we proposed a system where he can be notified if there is any animal or if the water content is low on his registered mobile number. In this system, an irrigation-based Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) using Raspberry Pi and the solar panel is implemented, Raspberry Pi being used as Coordinator node and Arduino as an end node, nRF24L01 as a transceiver. The sensor input values such as soil moisture level, PIR; the temperature is collected by the Arduino and is wirelessly sent to the Raspberry Pi. The water pump can be turned on based on sensor values using the Raspberry Pi web server and those values are also posted on the webpage. For temperature and humidity detection, we used the DHT11 sensor and the solar panel is used as an additional source of power. A PIR sensor is used to check if there are any animals present near the field.

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