
Write once read many times (WORM) memory devices based on the resistive switching mechanism of a sputtered amorphous BaTiO3 (am-BTO) thin film in a metal–insulator–metal structure is fabricated on a FTO coated glass substrate with a silver top contact. Fabricated devices show the switching from a low-conductance state to a high-conductance state with the formation of conductive filament(s) in the am-BTO layer. The memory characteristics are investigated as a function of thickness of am-BTO layer, which is determined by varying the deposition time. Devices with all deposited thicknesses show data retention for more than 4000 s and 300 reading cycle. Devices with 180 nm thickness show a high on-off ratio on the order of 106. The fabricated WORM devices exhibit good reading-endurance and data-retention characteristics.

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