
The article presents the data on the species composition and geographical distribution of the genus Artemisia L. in Southern Siberia, which were revealed in the process of studying the literature, critical revision of the P. N. Krylov Herbarium, Tomsk State University (TK), as well as field research by the authors in Gorny Altai, Khakassia, Sayan,Tuva. Several species from this territory are questionable in a taxonomic review (Artemisia viridis Willd., A. sacrorumLedeb., A. marschalliana Spreng. and species of the subgenus Seriphidium (Besser ex Less.) Fourr.). It was determined thaton the territory of Southern Siberia there are 88 species of wormwood belonging to 3 subgenera (Artemisia Less., Dracunculus Besser, Seriphidium (Besser ex Less.) Fourr.), 7 sections and 20 subsections. A chorological analysis was carried out,during which 36 endemic taxa were identified on the territory of Southern Siberia. The authors also identified a separategroup of South Siberian endemics, including narrowly endemic, subendemic taxa and South Siberian species that have anarea of distribution from Altai to Northern Mongolia.

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