
The aim of the article is to analyze the new trends of historical events that are revealed in the music of contemporary Ukrainian composers. Historical event as a holistic phenomenon, based on music examples of contemporary Ukrainian music, reveals artistic images of heroes in the past and in present, spiritual and cultural heritage. The research methodology is based on the systematic use of materials from the scientific branches of cultural science, art history, psychology, literature, ethnography. The results can be in the practical activities of music art. National music culture is an understanding of the place of the nation in the general process of the music development of the mankind, and for the Ukrainian people a music and historical discovery, which affirms it as a self-sufficient structure in the community of ethnic communities and determines its proper place, role and importance in the historical context, without mythologization, on a dialectical basis. Reviewing the traditional definitions, the author clarifies the novelty of the concept of “historical and music event” and understanding of the specific-historical nature of this phenomenon, which is poorly researched in the history of Ukrainian music culture. The article deals with historical events as a means of creating artistic and stylistic models according to the time, and their implementation in the music of contemporary Ukrainian composers. The issue of historical events in musicology has little experience in studying, so there is a historical need for creative interest and improvement of new trends in the composer’s directions in the modern worldview. Novelty is achieved in combining music and artistic images of the historical events of the present with the past. The practical significance of the research lies in the creation of a new layer of art-shaped models. The materials of this article can be used in the preparation of fundamental works in the history of music culture of Ukraine. Studying historical facts thoroughly, it can be concluded that historical events have been perceived as “yesterday”, and art criticism does not have a sufficiently detailed concept of the historical events. Not all contemporary Ukrainian composers can convincingly portray a striking figure in historical event, create an artistic picture and reproduce a specific historical time.

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