
AbstractThe Workshop on Petri Nets and Graph Transformations, which is currently at its second edition, is focussed on the mutual relationship between two prominent specification formalisms for concurrency and distribution, namely Petri nets and graph transformation systems. It belongs to the folklore that Petri nets can be seen as rewriting systems over (multi)sets, the rewriting rules being the transitions, and, as such, they can be seen as special graph transformation systems, acting over labelled discrete graphs. The basic notions of Petri nets like marking, enabling, firing, steps and step sequences can be naturally “translated” to corresponding notions of graph transformation systems. Due to this close correspondence there has been a mutual influence between the two fields, which has lead to a fruitful cross-fertilisation.KeywordsGraph TransformationGraph GrammarElectronic NoteGraph Transformation SystemGraph TransforThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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