
For the past three years over 400,000 international students have enrolled annually to study in higher education contexts in Australia (Australian Government, 2019). The extensiveness of international student enrolments has been equalled to Australia’s third highest export industry after coal and iron ore (Grewal & Blakkarly, 2017). Given the significance of international students it is important that Australian universities find effective and culturally-appropriate ways to support this cohort. One such area needing support is work experience as many study programs that international students undertake include compulsory or elective courses involving assessed experiences in professional contexts. Degrees such as business, education, engineering, health including nursing and psychology all require students to successfully complete workplace experiences in order to graduate. It is critical that international students are supported before, during and after workplace components of study as the International Student Barometer indicated that international students desire quality career advice, work experience and subsequently employment as a result of their studies (Garrett, 2014).

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