
I am very pleased to be able to write as the Director of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM). I joined the organisation at what was a very exciting time: at the end of its first year when we planned to work hard to engage with a still wider group of teachers across all sectors. It was also a time of some positive change in mathematics education more generally, with a 7% rise in A Level entries, and 8% rise in entries to Further Mathematics – Further Mathematics was the fastest growing subject. Earlier this year, it was announced that in the latest Comprehensive Review of Government Spending, there will be £140m available over the next three years (20082011) to improve mathematics and science teaching, an amount that includes continued funding for the NCETM. This long term funding is evidence of Government support for mathematics as at the heart of so much of education across all phases, and recognition of the importance of professional development for teachers of mathematics. It is within this context that I believe the National Centre can have considerable impact on the teaching of mathematics in our schools and colleges, and on the engagement and enjoyment of learners. I am delighted with the progress we have made together, while being only too aware of the challenges we face if we are to achieve our aims.

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