
The emergence of platform work has provided new opportunities for job creation, yet it also poses numerous challenges, thereby placing the topic at the centre of the policy debate. At the same time, discussion of the platform economy usually fails to acknowledge the coexistence of different platform models and their diverse socioeconomic impact with regard to the SDGs and the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). This paper aims to contribute to the debate on regulating platform work by testing the ‘Charter of digital workers’ rights’ arising from the Platform Labour in Urban Spaces (PLUS) European project, in three platform cooperatives: Fairbnb.coop, SMart, and Katuma. The empirical analysis and testing are based on qualitative surveys, co-creation sessions and interviews. The analysis could prove useful for further EU policy, national transposition of EU legislation and potential legislation worldwide. The results show the importance of providing a clear-cut definition of platform work, as well as considering different platform models. More specifically, the paper reflects on the definition and fair scheduling of working time (total amount of working hours, scheduling, and disconnection), fair and decent remuneration, the right to information on contractual conditions and the right to transparency in algorithmic systems, and training rights.

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