
The Tower Area at PT Eastern Pearl Flour Mills, which is located on the jetty, causes workers who are directly exposed to the reflection of sunlight. A hot work climate increases the physical fatigue of workers which can be measured by the strength of the handle and the stimulation reaction time. This research was conducted to identify the working climate conditions in the Tower area of PT. EPFM, conditions of work fatigue of workers and the influence of a hot work climate with work fatigue of workers. The linear regression method is used to determine the relationship between hot work climate and work fatigue. The hot working climate including ISBB and humidity respectively become independent variables or predictor variables while handheld strength and reaction time are dependent variables or response variables. Statistical test results with linear regression obtained ISBB and humidity significantly influence the decrease in the strength of the dominant hand grip (Sig. 0,000). ISBB and humidity significantly influence the decrease in the non-dominant grip strength (Sig. 0,000). ISBB and humidity significantly influence the increase in reaction time with regular stimulus (Sig. 0,000). ISBB and humidity significantly influence the increase in reaction time with random stimulation (Sig. 0,000). Recommendations that can be suggested to companies are the provision of mineral water and isotonic water and rest areas to support the recovery process, as well as provide information to workers about the effects of working in a hot environment.

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