
Context: Today, the nursing profession faces many challenges; in turn, nurses need to balance their professional work with their personal life, which promotes not only harmony between nurses' personal and work-life but also engender positive attitudes, including job satisfaction, and increases person-job fit (PJ fit).
 Aim: This study investigated the relationship between work-life balance and person-job fit among staff nurses.
 Methods: A descriptive correlational study design was used. The study was conducted at Obstetrics and Gynecological Hospital affiliated to Ain-Shams University Hospitals. The study subjects include 153 staff nurses. Data were collected by using two tools. The Work-Life Balance Questionnaire (WLBQ) and Person-Job Fit Scale (BJC) were used to collect data for this study.
 Results: The results demonstrate that 17% of staff nurses had a high total perception of work-life balance. While 55% had a moderate level, only 28% had a low perception of total work-life balance. At the same time, 20% of studied nurses had a high person-job fit level, and 62% had a moderate level of person-job fit. Meanwhile, only 18% had a low person-job fit.
 Conclusion: The study concluded that a low percentage of nurses had high work-life balance and person-job fit. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between total work-life balance and total person-job fit. The study recommended that hospital managers develop policies that enable them to improve the working environment to meet the work-life balance of staff nurses.

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