
At present, great importance is paid to the stabilization of terms and term formation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The terms of the business sphere are constructed based on Greek and Latin languages and spread around the world through English. Newly proposed terms in the field of business should be supported in terms of structure meaning and systematization by the state and from the point of linguistics. In this direction, the main goal of the research is to determine the models of term formation by making a comparative analysis of the word-formation of Kazakh and English business terminology.Contrastive analysis of Kazakh business terms with English language, a representative of European languages, helped to reveal the peculiarities of our language. The structural-componential analysis and contrastive methods were used in the course of the research. The statistical data analysis of business terminology dictionaries determined that most of the business terminology in the Kazakh language consists of international terms.The main results of the research include the identification of structural similarities and differences in Kazakh and English business terminology. At the same time, analysis of ways of creating Kazakh and English business terminology and morphological and syntactic models allowed us to group the original terminology of the Kazakh language according to the linguistic elements of the mother tongue. There is an opportunity to apply research materials and terminological models for researchers in the field of business terminology, lexicographers, and special terminology courses.

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